Using Assistants in Dysphagia Hannah Crawford Julie Bake Jane Slater
Rationale Valued and experienced members of the team Working with proxies New ways of working Efficient caseload management
Competency development From ‘Awareness’ to ‘Foundation’ level Developed list of roles & competencies Developed training opportunities for the SLTAs Support and supervision crucial
My journey as an SLTA Well established member of the SLT team Previous experience Progression to working with dysphagia clients
My ‘Dysphagia’ journey Shadowing Role Plays (dysphagia screening) Attending dysphagia awareness Discussion in Supervision Dysphagia Peer Supervisions Checking back & scope of practice Dysphagia training
SLT TI (Dysphagia) Associate Practitioner for Nutrition/Dysphagia NPSA formats Personalised mealmats Supporting SLT’s Supporting other assistants – assistants meetings Case work
Tasters Role is unique and useful. Provide extra time and give regular input. Train staff in implementing (many staff!!) Build relationships - client, carers, MDT’s. Generalise the interventions (put the meat on the bones!!)
Roles and Responsibilities Discussion, monitoring and negotiation via: One-to-one supervision Group peer supervision Including: Case discussion and case review Skills development Critical appraisal and developing evidence base
Knowledge and Skills Development Training: ‘In-house’ External, SIGs, Courses Developing ‘tools’ such as: Initial screening form Observation/ monitoring sheet
Screening Tool
Observation and Monitoring Tool
Review, Evaluation and Development SLT / TI MDT Day centre, care homes Service users and carers/ families
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