Ellen Tebbits By : Beverly Cleary Presentation by : Madison Lisman
Chapter 1 Ellen started yelling at Austine to go back to California. Ellen hid in the janetors closet from the other girls. Ellen gets botherd by Ottis.
Chapter 2 Ellen wants to clamp erasers but never gets picked. Ellen volunteers to bring a beet to school. Ellen dose not want to be late and rips her dress in the basket of Bruce’s ( Austine’s brother is Bruce ) bike.
Chapter 3 Ellen gets cleaned off. Ellen sees that Ottis has jumping beads. Ellen finally gets to clamp erasers.
Chapter 4 Austine asks Ellen to talk about her horse riding trips. Ellen and Austine went horse back riding. Ellen got stuck in the water and some guy helped her then told her to keep it a secret.
Chapter 5 Ellen came up with an idea. The girls went to the fabric store. Ellen smacks Austine in the face.
Chapter 6 Ellen decides to apolugise first. Ellen doesn ‘t get in the Maypole play. Ellen has the best night ever.
Chapter 7 Ellen and Austine haven ‘t talked to each other in a week. Ellen and Austine get picked to clamp erasers. Ellen wins her best friend back.