Презентацию выполнила учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 4 г. Югорска ХМАО Садыкова Эльза Назибовна 13 января 2013 года
Цель урока: познакомить учащихся с лексикой (технологические изобретения). Задачи урока: активизировать употребление лексики по теме «Изобретения, которые потрясли мир»; контролировать уровень сформированности грамматических навыков; развивать мыслительные творческие способности учащихся; формировать навыки индивидуальной и парной работы; развивать языковую догадку, опираясь на контекст; приобщать учащихся к истории развития техники и технологий.
INVENTIONS By the end of the 20 th century lots of inventions have been made. Some of them have become so commonplace that it is difficult to imagine them as inventions.
V + ing 1.collect – collecting 2.have – having 3.get – getting 4.copy - copying Grammar for revision. travel – open – play – sit – fly – ski – write – run –
p. 213 ex. 2 Look at the picture, name an invention and tell why do people use these things. It is a(n) … \ They are … People use it (them) to …
computer [kəm'pju ː tə]
TV set [ti:vi: set]
body building machine [b ɒ di 'bildi ƞ mə' ʃ i ː n]
camera ['kæm(ə)rə]
microwave oven ['ma ɪ krəwe ɪ v ʌ vən]
vacuum cleaner ['vækju ː m‘ kli ː nə]
mobile telephone ['məuba ɪ l 'tel ɪ fəun]
videophone ['v ɪ d ɪ əufəun]
sewing machine [səui ƞ mə' ʃ i ː n]
cordless phone [k ɔː dləs fəun]
alarm clock [ə'l ɑː m kl ɒ k]
dishwasher ['d ɪʃˌ w ɔʃ ə]
mower ['məuə]
roller blades ['rəulə ble ɪ dz]
calculator ['kælkjule ɪ tə]
remote control unit [r ɪ 'məut kən'trəul 'ju ː n ɪ t]
Work in pairs. Do the crossword.
tbwtmrervfg videophonee snidwumlkll eisbenclock tohjriheuon ppwertmrkmp lcamerabuph adsbhyrljuo yshgnyfaxtn cleanerdfee rwrovenexrt playergszor
This device is for cutting and collecting the grass. a refrigerator a sewing machine a mower
This device is for receiving or making calls around the home. a video player a cordless phone an alarm clock
This device is for cleaning and shampooing the carpets. a dishwasher a vacuum cleaner a toaster
Match the words and definitions: 1. a TV set 2. a dishwasher 3. a computer 4. a video player 5. a camera 6. a vacuum cleaner 7. a fridge 8. a plane 9. a telephone a) to take pictures. b)to receive or make calls around the home. c)to perform everyday cleaning tasks. d)to move fast and quick around the world. e)to watch pre-recorded videos. f)to keep food fresh for a long time. g) to have fun and to entertain. h)to write programs, play games, find and use information. i)to wash the dishes.
Check! 1. g 2. i 3. h 4. e 5. a 6. c 7. f 8. d 9. b
Do you know that… William O. Grover created a The first was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in the USA in1876. In 1885 Josephine Cochrane invented the first dishwasher. The French inventor Antoine Redier patented the first mechanical in 1847.
p. 90 ex. 2 What for are these gadgets and machines used? Use the words in the box. A vacuum cleaner is for cleaning and shampooing carpets.
… is for … to build up one’s strength to cook food to wake up people to do calculations to cut and collect the grass to wash dishes to take photos to receive and make calls
p. 212 ex. 1 (1) What things are the members of the family talking
Homework p. 215 ex. 2 (4) Ask general or disjunctive questions about modern gadgets and machines using V + ing.
Today we've -leant … words, … rules. about … -reviewed word building with … -done … -read about … -known …