The Writing Process A review with a focus on the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) “Write and write and write some more. Think of writing as a muscle that needs lots of exercise.” ~Jane Yolen
Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) Writing (Grade 11 Framework): The student will develop a variety of writing, with an emphasis on persuasion The student will develop a variety of writing, with an emphasis on persuasion The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and paragraphing The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and paragraphing The student will write, revise, and edit personal, professional, and informational correspondence to a standard acceptable in the workplace and higher education The student will write, revise, and edit personal, professional, and informational correspondence to a standard acceptable in the workplace and higher education. next please!
BRAINSTORM! BRAINSTORMING or PREWRITING is a crucial step to get your ideas flowing! Some helpful suggestions: make lists, freewrite (focused or unfocused), outline, chart, illustrate… anything that helps YOU organize and focus your thoughts and begin to create an effective piece of writing. back to the Writing Process outline!
RESEARCH! Now that your mind (and paper!) is filled with brilliant ideas, you should start conducting research to support the claims you want to make. The type of research you should conduct depends on the paper topic. For example, persuasive arguments should be backed up with factual information (researched from text or reputable Internet sites) and personal narratives may include insight from family members (VIA a personal interview). NOTE: If you include research findings in your writing, you MUST cite all sources. Need help with citations? Click here! Click here! back to the Writing Process outline!
YA GOTTA GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE… A Recap of MLA Documentation Book Format: Noone, Clare. The Great American Novel. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, Website Format: Noone, Clare. Home Page of Clare A. Noone. [date created/updated]. University of Virginia. [date accessed]... Click here for more detailed info about MLA documentation! back to the Writing Process outline!
DRAFTING! You now have a topic, great ideas, and research to support these ideas… it is time to draft your paper! research Remember that your work does not have to be perfect- it’s just a DRAFT. Feel free to experiment until you find a way to express your ideas in a well-organized manner! back to the Writing Process outline! “ohhhhhh we’re halfway there…”
REVISING! REVISION is extremely important! During this stage, you must check your paper for content, style, and mechanical issues. Editing is your chance to add or remove text to better your paper. It is highly recommended that you ask Ms. Noone or a peer to read over your paper and provide feedback. Of course, during the SOL and other exams featuring writing prompts, you will not receive help and must edit your own work. back to the Writing Process outline!
PUBLICATION! After all that hard work, it is now time to print out your final paper and turn it in! Publishing can take many forms. You may choose to share your paper with the class, submit the work to a literary contest, or share it with family and friends. Be proud of what you have accomplished! back to the Writing Process Outline! what’s next? and finally…
REMEMBER… THE KEY TO GOOD WRITING IS __________________.__________________.
Objective The student will develop a variety of writing, with an emphasis on persuasion. a) Generate, gather, plan, and organize ideas for writing. b) Develop a focus for writing. c) Evaluate and cite applicable information. d) Organize ideas in a logical manner. e) Elaborate ideas clearly and accurately. f) Adapt content, vocabulary, voice, and tone to audience, purpose, and situation. g) Revise writing for accuracy and depth of information. h) Proofread final copy and prepare document for intended audience and purpose. take me back to the SOL page!
Objective The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence structure, and paragraphing. a) Use a style manual, such as that of the Modern Language Association (MLA) or the American Psychological Association (APA), for producing research projects. b) Use verbals and verbal phrases to achieve sentence conciseness and variety. c) Adjust sentence and paragraph structures for a variety of purposes and audiences. take me back to the SOL page!
Objective The student will write, revise, and edit personal, professional, and informational correspondence to a standard acceptable in the workplace and higher education. a) Apply a variety of planning strategies to generate and organize ideas. b) Organize information to support purpose and form of writing. c) Present information in a logical manner. d) Revise writing for clarity. e) Use technology to access information, organize ideas, and develop writing. take me back to the SOL page!
References Atwell, Nancie. In the Middle: Writing, Reading, and Learning With Adolescents. Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook Publishers, Inc., Milner, Joseph and Lucy Milner. Bridging English. Upper Saddle River: Merrill Prentice Hall, OWL at Purdue University: Using Modern Language Association (MLA) Format Purdue University. 12 February Standards of Learning Currently in Effect for Virginia Public Schools- English Virginia Department of Education. 12 February ary.pdf. ary.pdf *All clip art and images were found through Google Image Search*Google Image Search summary of the purpose of this PowerPoint!
Purpose This PowerPoint is intended to review the Writing Process to high school students in preparation for the Virginia Standards of Learning- English. Writing Process Virginia Standards of Learning- English. The specific SOL objectives this presentation deals with can be found on this previous slide.this previous slide. The presentation can be used to review the process with the whole class or can be assigned to individual students. next!