NSS Update
Student Option Form Number of F3 students:175 Number of complete returns:171 (97.7%)
Mathematics Module Number of students No Module65 Module 151 Module 255 Total171
No. of Science Subjects Number of students 3 Science Subjects 16 2 Science Subjects 83
Number of classes Subject CodeFirst 3First 6# classes ChineseCHI LIT Science BIO CHEM PHY Combined SCI Combined SCI Social and Humanit ies CHIST ECON GEOG HIST822 1 Technology BAFS ICT5087 2
Not recommended # students All 3 subjects in Science11 All 3 subjects in Social and Humanities 5 1 in Science, 1 in Social & Humanities and 1 in Technology 21
Proposed Time Blocks Combination of electives Elective 1 CHEM PHYSCI 1GEOGBAFS Elective 2 BIOCHEMSCI 2 CHI LIT ECONBAFS Elective 3 BIOPHY C HIST ECONHIST ICT (C/D)
Drop one elective and take ApL Number of students Take ApL64 Not taking ApL107 Total171
Subject Choice Form 3 questions only –3 Science Subjects –Priority of ALL electives –Priority of Science subjects
Question 1 Do you want to take 3 science subjects? Allocation Requirements: –Grade A in the Overall Year End Grade in Integrated Science in Form 3
Question 2 Your order of preference for NSS elective subjects 14 choices –13 electives (ICT C and ICT D are 2 different subjects) –Two Science subjects
Question 3 Your order of preference for elective science subject combination 10 choices –If the 2 science subjects cannot be allocated due to the shortage of places or other reasons, the school will allocate 1 science subject to the student in accordance with the options above.
Allocation of electives based on students ’ choices and their academic preference and performance by the latest version of the Student Option Programme provided by the Education Bureau
What to do Fill in all choices to maximize your chance Select the priority according to your preference Consider seriously your learning ability and interest Discuss with your parents & teachers
Further reference Align with your future, your career, your dream TSSS NSS homepage: nss.htm (TSSS -> Curriculum -> NSS) nss.htm
What next If you would like to apply for F4 next year, return on or before 29 Jun Year End Personal Average Score will be used for the allocation progress Streaming and elective allocation will be announced in 10 July