Welcome to Pre-Registration 9 th Grade Class of 2020 Huntsville High School
C ORE C LASSES FOR 9 TH G RADE ENGLISH I English I Pre-AP English I English 1 Flipped Class (if you are interested in using more technology in class) MATH Algebra I Pre AP Algebra I Geometry (if took Algebra I in 8 th grade) Pre-AP Geometry (if took Algebra I in 8 th grade)
C ORE C LASSES FOR 9 TH G RADE SCIENCE Biology Pre-AP Biology SOCIAL STUDIES World Geography Pre-AP World Geography or World History Pre-AP World History
Required Non-Core Classes By the end of 9 th grade you should have taken 2 semesters of PE OR it’s equivalent. 2 semester of the same Fine Art If you have already started Spanish or German at MPMS you should take : Spanish II/German II or Pre-AP Spanish II Pre-AP German II or you MAY want to start a foreign language.
R EMINDER : Do not sign up for classes you have taken in the 8 th grade and will receive high school credit. Algebra I Spanish I German I
L OOK AT F RESHMEN ELECTIVES Notice if the course is 1 semester or 2 semesters (1 credit is 2 semesters). Notice if the course requires a grade level, prerequisite, or teacher approval. Each course name has a separate number.
ENDORSEMENTS Allows students to pursue in-depth study of interest There are 5 endorsements 1. STEM 2. Business and Industry 3. Public Services 4. Arts and Humanities 5. Multidisciplinary Studies
Reminder -Failed Classes Core classes (English, Math, Social Studies, and Science) are required courses for graduation that are set by the State. If you fail any course, you will have to retake it, unless it is a full year course and you pass high enough for both semesters to average 70 or higher. Each semester class earns 0.5 credit; therefore, a whole year course earns 1.0 credit. Six credits (6.0) are required to be classified as a sophomore. 1.0 must be in English and 1.0 credit must be in Math.
Alternate Courses Please choose one full year alternate courses and 2 semester courses in case an elective you have chosen is full or not offered. Schedule forms with alternate course lines left blank will receive last priority from counselors. If there are no alternate courses, counselors must give students electives which are open. Students lose their choices, and schedules cannot not be changed.
S CHEDULE C HANGES After school begins, schedule changes will be made only to correct scheduling errors or to equalize class enrollments. Students who register for a full year course are expected to complete the course and remain in that class for the entire year. Examples: core classes, foreign language classes, electives, etc.
P RE -AP S CHEDULE C HANGES Students who request Pre-AP/Honors courses may change their schedules to a level class after the end of the first three weeks of school or at the beginning of the second semester if a level class in the same subject area is available. When considering changing levels, students need to attend tutoring, have parent / teacher conferences, and contact the counselor. A summer reading assignments may be required for Pre-AP classes. It is the students responsibility to make sure they are aware of the requirements. Reading assignments may be found on the HHS website.
Teacher Approvals Teacher Approvals are needed for: -- Athletics (NOT freshman football) -- Band/Choir/Drill Team/Cheerleading -- Check any other course requirements
March 21 st, 22 nd, and 23 rd Counselors will meet with you and your parents individually the week of April
The High School Counselors and Assistant Principals will be available from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM in the HHS Library to discuss your course selections for next year and your 4 year plan. You will be able to complete your official schedule request at this time and enter it directly into the computer. You must make every effort to attend sometime next week. March 21 st, 22 nd, and 23 rd
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ― Benjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin