Last Name A-D: Mrs. Green Last Name E-Ko: Mr. Peslak Last Name Kr-Ra: Mrs. Foreman Last Name Re-Z: Ms. Johnson
Academy Packet: Contains Academy Application and Descriptions of Each Academy Course Selection Sheet: List of DSHS Courses and Practice Sheet
Academy Application Course Practice Sheet
Engineering & Computer Science: Robotics and Programming Metal Fabrication & Design: Welding Transportation & Automotive Technology: Automotive Repair
Business: Working, Managing and Starting Your Own Business Career Prep: Get Paid to Have a Job and Earn Elective Credits While You Work
Communication & Media Management: Broadcasting or Debate Dance Performing Arts: Dance Music Performing Arts: Music Theatre Performing Arts: Acting Visual Arts, Design & Technology: Artist, Architect, Gaming
Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies: All PAP and AP Route Education & Human Service: Teacher, Social Worker, etc… Law & Government: Lawyer or Politician
Medical & Health Science: Doctor, Nurse, Physical Therapy, etc… Veterinary & Animal Science: Veterinarian, Zoologist, etc… Advance Studies in Science: A Love of Science, Considering Any Science Based Field
4 Core Classes PE or Athletics Fine Art or LOTE Class Principles Class From an Academy
Q: What do I do if I play two sports? A: Sign up for the one that starts first. We take care of the rest. Q: Can I be in two athletic classes each day? A: No. You can only have one athletic period. You also cannot be in athletics and PE during the day. Q: How many classes should I pick? A: Your total number of classes must add up to 7.0 credits. You also need to have at least two alternate classes in Skyward. Q: What are alternates? A: They are electives that you wouldn’t mind taking if your first choice doesn’t work. They are not more core classes!!!
Q: Why do I need alternates? A: Sometimes the classes that you want cannot fit in your schedule. We need back-up classes. Q: What happens if I don’t pick alternates in Skyward? A: If you don’t pick back-up classes, we get to decide what you take. Q: What happens if I don’t like my academy? A: You must stay in the academy for the first year but we can change for 10 th grade. Q: How do I pick my classes in Skyward? A: Log in to your family access and look for the link.
We will be back to meet with you on Wednesday or Thursday. Your teacher will tell you the exact day. All of your classes either need to be selected by then on your paper or you may go ahead and enter them in Skyward. BRING YOUR ACADEMY APPLICATION BACK WITH YOU! This is a part of your file at the high school. It is mandatory part of registration!
Ask Mrs. Johnson or Ms. Causey. your high school counselor. Write the question down and we will help you on Wednesday or Thursday.