IEBA Apiary
Purpose Provide place to help train new beekeepers Provide source of queen stock –WSU Queens –IEBA Members bring nucs IEBA provides queen cells from stock Drones from queen stock Honey for sale at Spokane Interstate Fair
Location Located north of Spokane off Hwy 2 –Approx 10 miles north of Spokane and 5 miles west of Hwy 2 –Directions on IEBA Web site Have another site off River Drive –Will use in spring –Primarily for starting new packages –For class
North Location
Training New Beekeepers Have scheduled days Experienced beekeepers help Hands on experience –Can work on hives –Get tips from experienced beekeepers how to work hives Get to see hives in all stages of development
Queen Stock Raise queen cells in June IEBA Members bring nucs –5 frame nucs with brood, bees, honey and feeder with feed –Queen cells provided from breeder queen Have been using selected WSU queen Left in IEBA apiary for drone source –Nuc is left in yard for 1 month Members must provide help in managing bees at IEBA apiary