Do Now How do you feel this class is going so far? – Difficulty/challenge/rigor – Home reading – Classroom culture – Mr. Walker’s teaching
1A.3 – Tectonic Plates SWBAT describe the types of tectonic plate boundaries
3 – Essential Questions What evidence supports continental drift? How do tectonic plates move over time? What are the 3 types of plate boundaries? How are earthquakes and volcanoes related to tectonic plates?
Tectonic Plates Lithosphere is split in to Tectonic Plates floating on asthenosphere – Moves plates like they are on a conveyor belt
7 Major Tectonic Plates
Continental drift 4 types of evidence for Continental Drift: 1) Fit of Continents
Continental Drift Evidence 1) Fit of Continents 2) Fossil Evidence
Continental Drift Evidence 1) Fit of Continents 2) Fossil Evidence 3) Rock similarities
Continental Drift Evidence 1) Fit of Continents 2) Fossil Evidence 3) Rock similarities 4) Paleoclimatic Evidence
Pangaea, the Supercontinent Supercontinent Pangaea existed ≈ 225 MYA
What are the 3 types of boundaries? Tectonic Plates touch at plate boundaries. – Divergent ( ← →) – Transform ( ↑ ↓ ) – Convergent ( → ← )
3 types of Tectonic Plate Boundaries:
Divergent Boundaries ( ← →) Magma flows up through crack, forming Fissure Volcano. New crust (Igneous rock) created.
Vid: Divergent Boundaries Hippocampus: AP Environmental Science/course files/multimedia/lesson14/lessonp.html?sho wTopic=2
Divergent Boundaries ( ← →) Div boundaries at sea = Mid-oceanic ridges – Ex: Mid-Atlantic Ridge (Atlantic Ocean)
Divergent Boundaries ( ← →) Divergent Boundaries form Rift Valleys on land. – Ex: East African Great Rift Valley
Transform Boundaries ( ↑ ↓) Plates Transform Boundary ( ↑ ↓). Crust is not created or destroyed.
Vid: Transform Faults Hippocampus: AP Environmental Science/course files/multimedia/lesson14/lessonp.html?sho wTopic=3
Transform Boundaries ( ↑ ↓) Friction builds & releases causing earthquakes – Ex: San Andreas Fault (under southern California)
Check for Understanding 1.What drives the movement of tectonic plates? 2.What evidence do we have for continental drift? 3.Which type of tectonic plate boundary is associated with formation of new crust? 4.What type of boundary is the San Andreas Fault?
Convergent Boundaries ( → ←) Convergent boundaries – 3 possible situations: – Continental-Continental – Oceanic-Continental – Oceanic-Oceanic
Vid: Convergent Boundaries Hippocampus: AP Environmental Science/course files/multimedia/lesson14/lessonp.html?sho wTopic=1
Continental-Continental Convergence Cont-Cont: equally dense plates = uplift. Mountains formed (Orogenic Belts) – Ex: Himalayan Mountains – Ex: Alps Mountains
Continental-Continental Convergence
Subduction (Convergent → ←) Subduction occurs when plates have different densities. Recycles old crust. Associated w/ volcanoes & earthquakes.
Oceanic-Continental Subduction ( → ←) Oceanic-Continental convergence: oceanic plate subducts under & melts.
Oceanic-Continental Subduction ( → ←) Ocean trench forms where subducting plate dives & volcanoes form on the other plate.
Oceanic-Oceanic Subduction ( → ←) Oceanic-Oceanic: trench on subducting side & arc of Volcanic Islands on unsubducted side.
Check for Understanding 1.At an Oceanic-Continental convergent boundary, which plate will subduct? Why? 2.What geographic feature develops on the subducting side of an Oceanic-Oceanic convergent boundary? 3.How do subduction zones create volcanoes? Which plate do they form on?
Identify which type of convergent boundary describes (a), (b) and (c)
Vid: putting it all together AP Environmental Science/course files/multimedia/lesson17/lessonp.html?sho wTopic=2 Plate tectonics, earth’s internal structure
In Conclusion… What evidence supports continental drift? How do tectonic plates move over time? What are the 3 types of plate boundaries? How are earthquakes and volcanoes related to tectonic plates?
Reading: USGS 1.What process is responsible for creating the area on either side of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge that is now the floor of the Atlantic Ocean? 2.Where are subduction zones found, and how do they recycle crust? 3.Which type of tectonic plate boundary forms ocean trenches such as the Marianas Trench, and how are these trenches formed? 4.Why is there no subduction occurring at the Himalaya Mountains, even though two tectonic plates are colliding? 5.Describe three techniques scientists use to measure the speed of tectonic plates’ movement.
Reflection Question
Further Info NOAA Subduction Video: AP Environmental Science/course files/multimedia/lesson10/lessonp.html?sho wTopic=2