Deploying Technology and Management of Sustainable Uranium Extraction Projects Labson.C. Chinyamuka INSPECTOR OF ENVIRONMENT ZAMBIA
INTRODUCTION In Zambia today we do not mine uranium unless copper but we have sites of Uranium pockets at malundwe pit which is now closed but prospecting and exploration has continued. We have old tailings dump sites from Copper belt mines in Kitwe too. Examples are listed below: Muntanga Project owned by Denson Mining Company in Siavonga district in Southern Province has been conducting prospecting and exploration activities only. Trident Project by First Quantum Mining Company between Mwinilunga and Solwezi Districts of North-Western province.
INTRODUCTION CONT…. Lumwana Mining Company in Solwezi district and The TD 11 and TD13 in Kitwe on the Copper belt Province sites were some tailings containing radiation were deposited.
CURRENT STATUS OUTLOOK FOR URANIUM EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION Prospecting & Exploration undertaken: Denson mining in Siavonga under muntanga project was conducted. Major uranium-hosting environments identified includes a. continental sandstones of Karoo age domes in the Southern, b.Copper belt and North-Western Provinces and the Low-grade uranium mineralization with strike length 800 meters found
MINING Lumwana has open pits mine with copper concentrate averaging to 140,000 tons/year Chimiwungo has larger copper deposits than Malundwe with low grades and high cobalt. Malundwe is the smallest but has higher copper grades with presence of pockets of uranium mineralization than Chimiwungo.
Post – Mining Rehabilitation Before decommissioning and closure of mines sites, mining components are demolished and land is re-profilled and rehabilitated; After closure of mining components, rehabilitated land is monitored in terms of successful revegetation at post closure phase.
RELOCATION OF URANIUM TAILINGS Approximately 150,000m 3 of Uranium tailings containing Uranium contaminated materials at TD 11 and TD 13 were being relocated to TD15A where they are buried.
GOVERNANCE AND REGULATIONS The Mines and Minerals Development Act (Act No. 7 of 2008) PROSPECTING FOR, MINING AND MILLING OF URANIUM AND OTHER RADIOACTIVE MINERALS Ionizing Radiation Protection ACT, (Cap 311) Mines Safety is mandated to enforce the (2008 Act) on prospecting for, mining and milling of uranium and other radioactive minerals
The Uranium Business Model Canvas for Mines Safety Department, Zambia Key Partners Mining Houses Regulatory Institutions Ministry of Environment Universities Community World Bank IAEA etc Key Activities Uranium Exploration and Prospecting Value Propositions Mines Safety Dept Ensures maximum performance in OHSE Customer Relationships Inspections only Customer Segments Large Scale Miners Small scale miners Exploration and prospecting mining licenses Key Resources Inspectors of Mines Explosives Machinery & Technical staff Accreditable Institutions Channels Customers are saved through Inspections Cost Structure Mines Safety department offers value driven inspections aiming at ensuring attaining maximum compliance in OHSE. Revenue Streams Funded by ministry of finance Donor funding in terms of equipment