THE UCAS APPLICATION PROCESS June 2014 For entry in 2015 Available 19 th June
WHY GO TO UNI? You would like to access jobs with a higher earnings potential You enjoy studying - although the nature of the tuition and the style of learning varies widely You are able to study independently and enjoy this challenge
CHANGES IN HIGHER EDUCATION… The number of places available will increase as the government increases quotas Number of applications is still going up So still lots of competition for places. Some suitably qualified applicants (15-20%) are unplaced. About 50% of these students reapply Even with the rise in tuition fees, the demand for places will still exceed the number of places available
AND THE IMPLICATIONS OF THAT... The offer tariffs for courses are going up Last year the entry requirements were sometimes higher than it says on prospectus – check institutions websites !
TARIFFS LOOK AT THE TARIFF TABLES ON THE UCAS WEBSITE A* at A2 is 140 points Btec single D* A at A2 is 120 Btec single D C at A2 is 80 Btec single M E at A2 is 40 Btec single P AS points are half the A2 tariff Other qualifications carry UCAS points Eg, music grade 8, distinction = 75 points Dance grade 8, distinction = 65 points COPE, pass = 70 points
CHECK ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Check entry requirements carefully – may include GCSE, eg B in GCSE science for psychology, geography or nursing the University if you need help YOU NEED TO BE REALISTIC – generally, the A level grade is the same as the AS unless you re-take.
Factors affecting an application Macro factors: Popularity of the course Popularity of the institution Reputation (Russell Group more popular) Entry requirements Micro factors: Applicant’s qualifications predicted grades) Results of entry tests – LNAT, UKCAT etc Personal statement School Reference Interview performance
Applicants 588,689639,860697,351700,161653,637677,375 Accepted applicants 456,627481,854487,329492,030464,910495,595
Instituti on Code Institution Name 2013 cycle Applications (Choices) Share of all applications Accepted Applicants Share of all acceptances A20 The University of Aberdeen 20,7200.8%1,7600.4% A40Aberystwyth University9,7950.4%2,5100.5% B16University of Bath22,6550.8%3,0800.6% B20Bath Spa University 12, % 1, % B50 Bournemouth University 21,7550.8%4,2700.9% C15Cardiff University 34, % 6, % C20 Cardiff Metropolitan University (UWIC) 9,1850.3%2,8750.6% E84University of Exeter33,8151.2%5,5051.1% M20 The University of Manchester 55,8452.1%8,6051.7% P60Plymouth University23,7050.9%5,3601.1% S27 University of Southampton 36, % 5, %
So ………Why bother ? Clarendon students are successful : In 2013 : 79% of the 6 th Form applied to University Only 5 students either failed to achieve grades or declined places. 4 have retaken exams and reapplied. Ex-students have taken degrees at Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial, Cardiff, Swansea, St Andrews, Reading, Warwick, Exeter etc An ex Clarendon student achieved a double first in Modern Languages at Oxford in 2010
APPLYING – The Process CHOOSING COURSES – June to Oct APPLYING – Personal Details in June Personal Statement completed by Oct/Nov Qualifications and courses from September to November Applications sent to UCAS by Nov/Dec OFFERS from end of October Choose FIRM and INSURANCE offer by May 15 RESULTS – August 2015 STARTING UNIVERSITY
TIMING Process is one of selection rather than recruitment Earlier applications are more likely to be successful
Step 1 : CHOOSING COURSES – covered at the Next Step Conference Vocational/non-vocational degree Type of career Subjects you know and love or new ones Joint degrees, Foundation degrees etc The Stamford Test – UCAS free Centigrade Online – small fee Browse course search on UCAS Sacu selection tool Take advice
From the sacu site
CHOOSING UNIVERSITIES Campus – location, facilities, number of sites Accommodation – cost, facilities, proximity, Hall of Residence guaranteed? Work experience opportunities – work placements, exchange programmes, students’ union and extra curricular activity
FINANCE AND TUITION FEES You need to think about several things, in addition to fees … Living costs - Maintenance loans and grants Local work available (university jobs ?) Bursaries and scholarships, etc Repayment process The place to look is
CHOOSING COURSES –RESEARCH! The Big Map Institution websites UCAS site –look at Entry requirements -look at course content Unistats website – allows comparisons The Student Room The Complete University Guide Times / Telegraph Online (subscription) Visits and Open days * list of open days All information in AG careers area
On-line Resources to help with University Choices (new site)
Choosing Universities and OFFERS There must be “clear blue water” between your firm choice and your insurance choice. The Insurance choice should be based on achievable grades, not “hope” Choose your insurance offer carefully, if you accept you are committed to going there if you do not get your FIRM choice Although you could decline, you may have to pay a deposit for accommodation upfront and may lose this.
Other priorities this term Personal statement References
Personal Statement Start by using the pages in the Student guide to list achievements. Match against requirements of the course Your tutors will give you examples to discuss in tutor periods Show drafts to relevant subject teachers Ask friends and family to read it out aloud. How does it sound ? BIGGEST PROBLEMS : poor grammar being over sentimental (ever since I was a child) Too much irrelevant extra-curricular content (swimming badges in Yr 6!) repetition and not enough about the subject / degree choice
References These will be written by your ACME tutor based on references from subject staff. Current tutors will pass information to your new ACME tutors You need to request a reference by ing an electronic form to staff. On the VLE – instructions in the student guide Most requests for references are made in September, apart from those needed from staff who are leaving : NLC, DGC, …….
CLARENDON DATES By Fri 27 th June : a reference request to any member of staff who is leaving By July 11 th July – register and complete personal details (Buzzword = adriangreen) End of Term : draft of personal statement By late October – complete personal statement and pass to tutor (following 4/5 drafts) Fri 5 th December – final deadline for sending application to school Oxford and Cambridge and Medicine/ Dentistry/ veterinary science have much earlier deadlines, 15 th October 2014 Please let me or Mr Witham know if this is you.
QUESTIONS ? and remember……..