Pope Leo XIII ( ) Notables Wrote Rerum Novarum Canonized St. Peter Claver and St. John Baptist de la Salle Gave a personal audience to St. Therese of Lisieux Declared no conflict exists between science and faith Served during the Second Industrial Revolution Contemporaries Otto Von Bismarck (kulturkampf) Friedrich Nietzsche Charles Darwin Karl Marx
Rerum Novarum (On the Condition of Workers) “Of New Things” Themes in the encyclical Basic Rights: Food, clothing, shelter, a living wage Addresses cultural effects of the Industrial Revolution Government should care for the rights of the poor Warns about flaws in communism and rejects socialism and “class struggle” approaches to solutions Affirms the right to private property Affirms the right of workers to organize Critiques capitalism and individualism/americanism
Apostolic Constitution - Document of the highest authority, issued by the Pope, or by a Church Council with the Pope’s approval. Apostolic constitutions today have the authority of the ancient apostolic constitutions. -When used to proclaim a Church dogma, called a Dogmatic Constitution. -When used for pastoral teaching, called a Pastoral Constitution.
Encyclical -A circular letter treating of matters affecting the general welfare of the Church and addressed explicitly to the patriarchs, primates, archbishops, and bishops in communion with the Catholic Church.
Apostolic Exhortation - A letter written by the Pope to the Church encouraging its people to take some particular action
Apostolic Letter - Document issued by the Pope or by a Vatican administrative office, usually for lesser appointments, erecting or dividing mission territory, designating basilicas, approving religious congregations, and other uses at a comparable level of importance.
The Popes during Vatican II Pope John XXIII ( ) -Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli Pope Paul VI ( ) -Giovanni Montini
Pope John XXIII ( ) Notables Known by his baptismal name “Angelo Roncalli” Elected as a “short-term” or “transitional” pope Called the Second Vatican Council Finished Pacem in Terris 2 months before he died Often commemorated by other Xn denominations Aided the Jewish Underground during WWII Declared “Blessed” by Pope John Paul II
Pope Paul VI ( ) Notables Known by his baptismal name “Giovanni Montini” Closed the Second Vatican Council in 1965 Known for the encyclicals Humanae Vitae (later revisited by John Paul II’s Evangelium Vitae) and Popularum Progresso. Initiated dialogue with Orthodox traditions, which ended the mutual excommunications of the Great East/West Schism. First Pope to visit 6 continents and first to visit the U.S.
Vatican II ( ) 4 Constitutions – Dei VerbumDei Verbum (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation) – Lumen Gentium Lumen Gentium (Dogmatic Constitution on the Church) –Gaudium et SpesGaudium et Spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World) –Sacrosanctum ConciliumSacrosanctum Concilium (Constitution on Sacred Liturgy)
9 Decrees –Ad Gentes (Mission Activity)Ad Gentes –Apostolicam Actuositatem (Lay People)Apostolicam Actuositatem –Christus Dominus (Bishops in the Church)Christus Dominus –Inter Mirifica (Social Communication)Inter Mirifica –Optatam Totius (Priestly Training)Optatam Totius –Orientalium Ecclesiarum (Eastern Churches)Orientalium Ecclesiarum –Perfect Caritatis (Renewal of Religious Life)Perfect Caritatis –Presbyterorum Ordinis (Life of Priests)Presbyterorum Ordinis –Unitatis Redintegratio (Ecumenism)Unitatis Redintegratio
3 Declarations –Dignitatis HumanaeDignitatis Humanae (Religious Freedom) –Gravissimum EducationisGravissimum Educationis (Christian Education) –Nostra AetateNostra Aetate (Relations with Non-Christians)
John XXIII “The Good Pope”