Vision Sunday 19 th June 2011
SCC Vision SCC exists to see Jesus change lives in Salisbury and beyond. “….. I have many people in this City” Acts 18 v 10 “…. Seek the peace and prosperity of the City” Jeremiah 29 v 7
SCC is Growing By God’s grace….we are growing South Wilts increasingly filling up The 80% principle Danger of hindering growth New venue not forthcoming A longing to see more lives changed by Jesus
Our Culture is Changing Sunday morning not always suitable Mon – Fri, 9 – 5 less common Shift Workers The Army Sports – playing or watching People away for weekend ….. people in our culture are used to choice
Move to Multi-Meetings Introduce an evening meeting Repeat of the morning meeting –no child-care Both at South Wilts –Leave equipment set up More options mean more people opt!
More options More options = more people opting = more lives changed by Jesus
Gospel Issue “in humility consider others more highly than yourself” Philippians 2 v 3 Paul: “I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some” 1 Corinthians 9 v 22
Advantages Greater flexibility to reach people More options for SCC people e.g kids workers We ‘get smaller as we get bigger’ Improves ‘skills’ Releases Leadership Good stewardship of current facility Spread out more at South Wilts e.g tea and coffee Makes leap to new building easier should God lead us that way Means we don’t ‘settle’ !!
The format of meetings Mornings – children’s groups Evening meeting start at 6.30pm Younger feel (though all ages welcome) no child care Same preach
Still One Church One church….. with 2 services One Vision One Leadership Team One preach Define SCC as amount of people on Mission together, not how many are in one room at one time.
Process A desire to grow and reach out Lots of prayer Leadership Team Apostolic Input Research Prophetic
Andrew Lawrence, May 2011 “there is a season coming where God wants to double the church” “put a plan in place for a doubling and a doubling again”.
The Launch Sunday 2 nd October Soak in Prayer Heavily advertise …….“Everyone invite one”
The Cost to Gospel Advance Doing anything for God involves Risk and Cost Jesus in Philippians 2 –V6 didn’t hang onto his “rights” –V8 “humbled himself” Serving Financial
The Cost: Serving What we are asking: Not serving – please get in the game –Sign up to an AM or PM rota
The Cost: Serving If currently serving in AM – could you serve 2 in 6 on a PM rota for a season? either same or different area to your AM rota Aim will be for PM meeting to be self- sufficient over time
The Cost: Serving – An Example Bob serves 2 in 6 weeks in the AM service on Welcome. He’s there at 10.00am, welcomes people, hears the preach (no need to pack away Welcome Table).
The Cost: Serving – An Example Bob catches the vision and wants to serve on Tea and Coffee in the PM meeting. ….already set up from AM, arrives 5.45pm, serves at end, goes home. May or may not have come in the AM
The Cost: Serving – An Example AMPM Week 1Children's Workreceive Week 2Children's Workreceive Week 3Beach with the neighbours Welcome Week 4Lie-inWelcome Week 5Choose …………AM or PM Week 6Choose …………AM or PM
The Big Questionnaire Name, contact details Where currently serve on Sunday AM Areas of service listed….. Put 1, 2 or 3 in area you’d most like to serve (1 being preferred area) Reverse: explanation + number of vacancies.
The Big Questionnaire One questionnaire per person Red Box at back of Hall Hand back over next 3 Sundays Help-Desk......
1 Timothy 6 v Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
1 Timothy 6 v Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
Gift Days Sunday 3 rd July Sunday 10 th July Split between Multi-Meeting and Brighton offering –SWGS hire –Advertising –New equipment
Summary: why Multi-Meetings? Pragmatic – we’re running out of room Growth – more options Faith – Leadership Team, Apostolic, Prophetic