22016 AP ® Preadministration Session You need… #2 Pencil Your iPAD if you would like to access a copy of the powerpoint. Answer sheet Student Pack Textbook/notebook to use as a hard surface to write on.
32016 AP ® Preadministration Session Big Picture You’re taking a test or tests; You want the results back. You need to bubble a lot of information, But only once! After that, your information will be on a…
42016 AP ® Preadministration Session Big Picture We do Pre-Administration information and bubbling BEFORE test day to save you time and avoid extra stress.
52016 AP ® Preadministration Session Big Picture You will fill out an answer sheet You give it a barcode sticker from the student pack This becomes your AP NUMBER You will use this barcode sticker on any and all additional AP exams for 2016
62016 AP ® Preadministration Session Big picture Today- You will return your completed answer sheet, and student pack. Test day- Your answer sheet and student pack will be waiting for you; you will need to put barcode stickers on the test materials After your last test- You will keep your student pack
72016 AP ® Preadministration Session Pre-Administration for the AP Exams You will now begin your Pre-Administration process for the AP exams. This PPT has the following sections: Student Pack Barcode Stickers Answer Sheet Turning in your materials as you leave
82016 AP ® Preadministration Session Front Cover of the Student Pack Print your grade level, last name, first name, and middle initial. Print your six-digit school code: for Wayzata H.S. Print your AP number in the spaces indicated. This is the # from your stickers in center of book. Fill in the box next to each AP exam you plan to take this year.
92016 AP ® Preadministration Session Barcode Stickers Find the sheet of stickers in the center of your student pack. First, put a sticker on the top left corner of the answer sheet:
AP ® Preadministration Session Barcode Stickers Now place one sticker on the BACK of the student pack
AP ® Preadministration Session AP Number Card Take an AP number label and place it on the AP number card attached to the back cover of your Student Pack. Write your name on the card. Remove the card from the booklet, and keep it in a safe place. Don’t lose your AP number! Your AP scores will be online only. You will not get scores in the mail. You will need the information on this card to view your scores and order AP score reporting services online.
AP ® Preadministration Session Answer Sheet You fill out the whole front side EXCEPT letters A, D, E, F, G, and H (Letters L and M are optional) You fill out the whole back side EXCEPT letter S
AP ® Preadministration Session Important! AP score reports contain all of your AP scores from each testing year, so it is important to provide consistent information from year to year: Provide your full legal name. We discourage you from giving your Social Security number. It is not needed. But, if you have provided it in past years, you must continue to do so.
AP ® Preadministration Session Page 1 of the Answer Sheet Make sure you have an AP number label in the box at the top left
AP ® Preadministration Session Page 1 of the Answer Sheet Item A: Leave this item blank.
AP ® Preadministration Session Page 1 of the Answer Sheet Item B: Print your legal name: last name, first name, and middle initial, and fill in the corresponding circles.
AP ® Preadministration Session Page 1 of the Answer Sheet Item C: Copy the AP number from the label on your answer sheet. Fill in the circles.
AP ® Preadministration Session Page 1 of the Answer Sheet Leave items D, E, F, G, and H blank. These will be completed on the day of the exam.
AP ® Preadministration Session Page 1: Student Information Area In Item I, print your phone number, including your area code. Fill in the circles.
AP ® Preadministration Session Page 1: Student Information Area In Item J, print the school code you printed on the front of your Student Pack, and fill in the circles. Then print the name, city, state, and country of your school. Wayzata High School
AP ® Preadministration Session Page 1: Student Information Area Complete Item K. Item L is optional. However, please provide your Social Security number if you provided it on previous AP Exams. Most students choose not to enter their social security number for letter L.
AP ® Preadministration Session Page 1: Student Information Area To send your scores to a college, complete Item M. The list of college codes is in your Student Pack. Most students ONLY complete Letter M if they are seniors who know 100% the college they plan to attend. Complete Item N
AP ® Preadministration Session Page 1: Student Identification Information Item O: Do you wish to participate in the Student Search Service ® ? If you mark “Yes,” this address will be provided to colleges, universities, scholarship programs, and educational opportunity organizations.
AP ® Preadministration Session Page 4: Student Identification Information In Item R, print your complete mailing address, including the ZIP or postal code. Print your country code only if you do not have a U.S. ZIP or postal code. Fill in the circles. Be sure to fill in a circle for State.
AP ® Preadministration Session Page 4: Student Identification Information In Item T, write your school user name. (Your school address up to You will be able to use your student ID to access your AP scores online this summer.
AP ® Preadministration Session Page 4: Student Identification Information In Item U, provide your address so the College Board can send you important information about your scores. If you have a College Board account, be sure to use the same address you used to create that account.
AP ® Preadministration Session Page 4: Student Identification Information Complete Items V and W. In Item X, there are two questions. If you identify with multiple races and ethnic groups, you may mark all the choices that apply to you. In Item Y, in the first column, indicate the highest level of education of one parent/guardian, and indicate whether this is your mother/female guardian or father/male guardian. Then, if applicable, indicate the highest level of education or your other parent/guardian in the second column, and indicate whether this is your mother/female guardian or father/male guardian.
AP ® Preadministration Session FINAL ITEMS: Scan your answer sheet and make sure you have completed everything and that it is bubbled accurately! The front of your Student Pack is completed. Slide your answer sheet INSIDE your answer sheet. What day is your FIRST exam?
AP ® Preadministration Session Finally… AS YOU LEAVE…. Turn in the items below into the box corresponding to the date of your FIRST AP Exam Answer Sheet Student Pack KEEP AP Number Card Thanks and good luck preparing for the exam!