New from Pearson School: Language Central for Science ©2012 For Grades 3-8!
What is Language Central for Science? Language Central for Science provides struggling readers, English Language Learners, and students who you think might need additional support, with a variety of vocabulary preview activities that will help lead them to a better understanding of specific science vocabulary terms. “The goal of the program is to directly address the academic vocabulary issues that prevent students from focusing on the science concepts being taught…we’ve seen that often it was the language, not the science, holding them back.” - Patti Aube, Science Coach
A program built by teachers:
Student Edition walk-through Students get to write-in their books giving them a true sense of ownership
Each lesson starts with the Big Question and clearly states what the student will be learning. Activities connect what you know with what you will learn. Look for the blue box at the start of each lesson.
Vocabulary terms are shown with clear visuals so students learn what they mean. Look for the red box. “Talk about it” lets students work with a partner to discuss the term further “Your Turn” allows students to utilize the word in another context (i.e. drawing)
“Do you Understand” challenges students to demonstrate their understanding Practice the skills you learn in your science class with “Talk About it” and “Your Turn” activities
Assess Understanding with “Think, Talk, and Write” end-of-lesson features Let students practice their writing skills with “Produce Language” and “A Closer Look” exercises.
Teacher Edition walk-through All the support you need right at point of use Science Background Leveled Instructional Strategies Response to Intervention
TE: All the support you need right at point of use
Language Central for Science for iphone, ipod, and iPad! Coming Soon in 2011 on the iTunes App Store! Download the iphone app featuring the WordFly game!
New from Pearson School: Language Central for Science ©2012 Grades 3,4, and 5 Grade 3 Student Edition $ Grade 4 Student Edition $ Grade 5 Student Edition $ Grds 3-5 Teacher’s Edition $ Bundles: LANG CENT SCI12 10 SE + TE BNDL GR.3 Price $ LANG CENT SCI12 10 SE + TE BNDL GR.4 Price $ LANG CENT SCI12 10 SE + TE BNDL GR.5 Price $ Grades 6-8 Coming Soon!