Academic Division Meeting UKVI Compliance Audit and Divisional Update 19 May 2016 Jon Pink Academic Registrar
UKVI Compliance Audit - Scope Thanks to all of those who contributed in some way to the preparation for the audit and during the audit week. The full compliance audit was triggered by us having to report 8 Tier 4 students who had worked over the 20 hours per week The audit covered Tiers 2, 4 and 5 and looked at a sample of 10 Tier 2 staff files, 250 Tier 4 student files, 166 Tier 4 student employment files, 40 non-EEA staff files and 1 KTP staff file We had 4 auditors for Mon pm, Tue am, Wed am and Wed pm then 3 auditors Thu am and Thu pm We do not get a report at the end of the audit week, we will have to wait for the final outcome. However we did get a sense of how the audit is progressing and how it has gone. Add presentation title here in the Slide MasterPage 2
UKVI Compliance Audit – What they looked at We know that for Tiers 2 and 5 (staff) there are no outstanding queries and that no issues arose that we were not able to answer to their satisfaction. They inspected a total of 217 employment related files (166 Tier 4 student workers, 10 Tier 2/5, 40 non-EEA and 1 KTP Tier 2). For the Tier 4 audit (students) they looked at 250 student files, of which only 3 had clerical errors which we rectified immediately to their satisfaction. Although they cannot give feedback they confirmed that there were no outstanding questions or issues. They also picked at random attendance registers for 6 students from 6 Schools for week 19 and spoke to 4 Schools about attendance policies Add presentation title here in the Slide MasterPage 3
UKVI Compliance Audit – File compilation The preparation of the staff and student files was key to ensuring the audit went smoothly We had all the required information for the staff and student sample but needed time to pull it all together into a coherent structure to present to them Had we only 2 weeks notice of the visit we would have been in quite a different situation The auditors did not find errors in files that were repeated such that they asked further questions The attendance registers broadly supported the attendance records on SDS School explanations of their attendance marking policies supported the information we had given to them earlier in the week Add presentation title here in the Slide MasterPage 4
UKVI Compliance Audit - Lessons There are a number of lessons learned from the mock audit in March, the preparation for the UKVI audit and the actual audit We will be compiling a comprehensive lessons learned report with recommendations However some of the “headlines”, which will not be a surprise to many, are: Lack of compliance with University regulations Variation in practice across the Schools No institutional ethos that “compliance is essential” (this did improve the closer we got to the audit) Resourcing levels at the appropriate time The way in which we store data and information Add presentation title here in the Slide MasterPage 5
KentVision Project - Update Re-planning so that all agreed functionality will be ready for September 2017 (some was planned for September 2016 and some for September 2017) Additional resource within the project for analysing, developing and testing Updated set of project objectives (see nest 2 slides) Pulling together related workstreams into small projects giving larger teams and greater coherence of work Planned first phase of system testing in Aug and Sept 2016 Planned second phase of system testing in Jan and Feb 2017 Phases of testing, including UAT, from January 2017 as “rehearsals “ for the Go-live Add presentation title here in the Slide MasterPage 6
KentVision Project - Objectives All applicants and students experience an administrative journey that is clear, informative and seamless A unified academic administration across central services and faculties, departments, schools and colleges operating common lean business processes and a single source of high quality, authoritative data for applicants and students Improved business processes and IT enablement that fulfil the University’s strategy for effective and efficient operation, using standard SITS capability to maximum advantage Add presentation title here in the Slide MasterPage 7
KentVision Project - Objectives Digital campus with fully integrated suite of mobile-enabled services for students and staff as appropriate Improved student administration that reduces administrative effort, creating time for staff to address other goals and provides a robust and agile foundation for the future The old SDS system decommissioned providing a source of archive data as necessary to provide limited essential access and comply with data protection policies. Add presentation title here in the Slide MasterPage 8
Work Allocation Models Three Schools have been working together on a pilot WAM system and then on an in house system developed by Mark Ellis in EDA The external “Simitive” system proved to be inappropriate for our use mainly due to the import of data manually. The system developed by Mark has regular feeds from a number of University systems and can be customised to fit with a School’s WAM. Mark has arranged presentations to those interested in Jennison Computer Suite 3: Thursday 19 th (Week 26) 10:00-11:00 (now!) Tuesday 24 th (Week 27) 14:00-15:00 Wednesday 8 th (Week 29) 11:00-12:00 Add presentation title here in the Slide MasterPage 9
UCU Action Strike action is planned for 25 and 26 May 2016 Further continuous action short of a strike, “working to contract”, will start from 25 May External examiners are being encouraged to resign. Examinations are not invigilated by academic staff but we anticipate that some academic staff may not be available if there is an issue with a paper. We have processes to cover this already. Marking may be affected which may affect the timing of the Boards of Examiners Boards of Examiners may have to be delayed we may have to find some replacement External Examiners Add presentation title here in the Slide MasterPage 10