Team 8C Wonderful Parents!
We will discuss possible trips for the year. Get parent input on how many trips will be feasible. Possible “in-school” trips instead of away. Go over Charleston information mainly because this is the only trip approved as of yet.
We pull out from the back parking lot of D.R.M.S. at 6:15 am April 29,2009 (If you are late, you will be left) Return 7:30 pm May 1, 2009
Georgia Southern raptor center Patriots’ Point Bubba Gump’s Haunted Legends Tour Riverboat Cruise Dinner/Dance Market Street Underground Railroad/Civil War Tour We are still working on this to make it the best trip ever for you and your student.
Proper behavior is expected. No loud noises after lights-out, no running or jumping, no gymnastics, etc. Students may not leave their group and join another. Chaperones may choose to combine groups, but that is up to the adults. Students are expected to be courteous and respectful to all adults at all times. Directions are to be followed the first time they are given – regardless of who they are given by. Teachers reserve the right to change chaperone groups as needed. Teachers are not assigned to specific groups so they can handle any emergencies/conflicts as they arise. Chaperones may handle small “issues” on their own, but they shouldn’t feel they have to deal with any behavior problems. Review the behavior agreement very carefully before you sign it. All questions must be resolved before we leave. Responsibilities
Students remain with their chaperones whenever outside of hotel room Student is responsible for his or her own spending money and personal property No room service No pay TV No long distance calls from room phone NO GUM ANYWHERE ON THIS TRIP!!!! NO CHOCOLATE ON THE BUS!!!! RESEALABLE DRINKS ONLY ON BUS!!!!
1.One suitcase and one carry-on. 2. Backpacks on bus and in motel rooms, but NOT on tours, in restaurants or shops. 3. Small coolers allowed on bus. 4. Pre-screened movies.
1. Students 4 to a room. Chaperones 2 to a room. 2. Phones blocked. NO cell phones! 3. Chaperones keep keys. 4. In rooms by 10:00ish PM. 5. Security guard. 6. Students doors taped at night. 7. No swimming.
1.Teachers keep all meds, including OTC stuff. 2. Medicine forms must accompany all meds. 3. Medical emergency form required. 4. Copy of both sides of the medical card required. 5. All medication must be in the original packaging.
Every student must have proof of medical coverage. If your student does not have medical coverage, school insurance is available and will cover your student for this trip. Please take care of this as soon as possible.
1.Reasonable amount of money. 2.No “inappropriate souvenirs.” 3.Pictures make the best memories and disposable cameras are a great choice. Name on camera!!!
1.Must stay with group. No “after hours” side trips. 2.No smoking, drinking, or inappropriate language. 3.Please abide by DRMS dress code.
A Security Guard will be on duty all night for your child’s safety.
Lights Out at 11:00 ish
SMALL electronic devices with headphones are allowed. No inappropriate lyrics/games per CCSD policy. Bring nothing that you can’t afford to lose.
Students must be able to carry their suitcase alone. Tag everything with the tags we will provide.
1.School Guidelines must be followed. 2. Jacket or poncho for rain. No umbrellas.
Sit together. Chaperones first.
2. Extra for scholarship recipients greatly appreciated. 3. If financial aid is needed (only available for students), send homeroom teacher a note. 4. Student must also have current medical insurance. 1.You may pay early-HA HA!
Payment/Deposit due Nov. 7 -$125/$130 Payment 2 due Jan. 7 $60/$65 Payment 3 due Feb. 7-$60/$65 Payment 4 due March 7- $60/$60 After the deposit is made to the company (Nov. 10 th ), there will be no refund of that amount. No partial refunds will be possible until after the trip when we receive our refund from The Travel Store. Payments or partial payments are due on time. If that is not possible, we must have a note explaining when we will receive payment.
You were given a behavior rubric to sign on October 17 th. The rubric states if a student is assigned one day of In School Suspension (ISS) he/she is still eligible for the trip. If your student is assigned two days of ISS, a parent must chaperone the trip in order for the student to be eligible to go. If you student is assigned three or more days of ISS, they are ineligible to attend the trip. The start date for the rubric was 10/20/08.
All the paperwork your student will need to turn in will be given out later in the year. We are looking at the first of February. At this time, we will have a final parent / chaperone meeting to answer any last minute questions and go over anychanges. This meeting will be mandatory forall parents of participants and all chaperones.
All paperwork is due Friday March 20 th to your homeroom teacher Student Forms: 1.Medical Form 2.Dress Code Form 3.Behavior Agreement 4.Music/Game Form Chaperone Forms: 1.Cell Phone Form 2.Medical Form 3.Dress Code Form
We will be pulling out from the back parking lot of D.R.M.S. at 6:15 am. If you are late, you will be left. Please have breakfast before hand. NO drinks from a restaurant. Only resealable drinks.
See you at 5:45 am on April 29th in the back parking lot We’re looking forward to a great trip!!!