Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Laboratory Sciences through a Virtual Learning Environment Glynis A. Robinson, Nóirín Nic a' Bháird and Vincent P. Kelly School of Biochemistry & Immunology Trinity College Dublin
700 students from Science, Pharmacy, Dentistry & Medicine take Biochemistry practicals 70 students at a time in the lab 1 lecturer and 4 student demonstrators
The challenge of the laboratory science practical Students perform a laboratory experiment -new equipment, new techniques, Teachers How to teach practical techniques effectively?
Instructional design of the practical pre- VLE Teacher encourages students to read the laboratory manual before coming to the lab –but they don’t! Compulsory, assessed, paper-based MCQ exam at start of practical, corrected manually Lecturer delivers pre-lab talk describing experiment to be carried out Student carries out laboratory experiment, writes report and submits
Teaching objective: foster student engagement improve preparedness improve learning outcomes Why introduce a VLE? Students are not prepared- poor learning experience
Virtual Learning Environment Hosted on the College’s Blackboard VLE platform Electronic Practical manual Video of laboratory exercise provided online –key element! Practice and assessed MCQs provided online Glossary of biochemical terms online Online discussion forum Automatic tracking of student activity and grades
Instructional design of the practical post- VLE Students watch video online several days before practical read practical manual online do practice MCQs online do examined MCQ online (available for set time only) attend practical, carry out experiment write up practical report (with help from forum if necessary) submit electronically Student online activity and results in MCQs logged automatically
Subcellular fractionation video 1
Subcellular fractionation video 2
Online practical resource
Evaluation of the MCQ exam resource
Learner control over pace, arrangement and content is a pivotal factor in student learning and self-efficacy (Milheim & Martin, 1999) Impact of VLE on class grades in assessed elements of laboratory practicals
Impact of VLE on non-examined elements of laboratory practical Student feedback: overwhelmingly positive! ‘It definitely provided a more accessible and clear set of instructions than provided in the manual’ ‘I had a clear idea of what had to be done when I walked into the lab’ Students engaged more with material Administrative burden much reduced Informed changes to teaching material possible
Video of laboratory techniques provided online before practical Download video to smart phone for reference during practical Interact with online discussion forums Automatic monitoring of student interaction with online material Make informed changes to the practical material following feedback from VLE Transformation of learning experience
Conclusions This was a successful pilot scheme Students like it! Staff like it! It improves learning outcomes! We will expand it to the rest of the course