Early Intervention & Outreach PEOPLE Strategy: Module 9 Reducing Chronic Absenteeism
Some Epiphanies I had yesterday and today Would the school board want to see the reports on students with 18 and older; would they want the community to see that? Would our schools be ready if every student showed up at school on any given day? Will it be difficult to change mindsets of focusing on unexcused absences as we have done for so long to excessive absenteeism?- our policy has taught people that writing the note is enough. IF we know absenteeism is predictor of academic failure why have we spent so much time focusing on other grade levels knowing we have limited resources How about you?
Overview of Session Why Early Intervention Matters What Does Early Intervention Mean: who do we focus attention on; K-12 Intervention Early Childhood Intervention (PreK-5 Prevention) Tier 2 Intervention Strategies Use of PEOPLE Strategy NNPS Model’s Use of PEOPLE Strategy
Early Intervention is Key Because….. Chronic Pre-K Absenteeism often leads to need for intensive reading support and often leads to lower levels of school readiness Chronic Absenteeism in K and 1 st often leads to lower 3 rd grade reading proficiency Multiple years of absenteeism in elementary grades often leads to worse middle school outcomes Absenteeism among children from poverty is even more detrimental because they may often lack resources to make up for lost time Students with 18 (10%) absences per year is a predictor of dropping out of school Chronic absenteeism at high school predicts lower college persistence
What Does Early Intervention Mean Intervention PreK -12 = intervening early after specific number of absences This type of intervention is often dictated by state law and school division policy School divisions are now looking at impact of any type of absenteeism: excused, unexcused, suspension 3 Tiered Intervention Model Intervention at early grade levels Important to prevent a pattern of absenteeism that is difficult to impact if set in Pre-K and Kindergarten. Important at this level because of importance of establishing a habit Develop basic skill sets needed in elementary school At this level it is typically not the child’s fault; however, if they develop a pattern they will exhibit behaviors or school avoidance
Demographics of Newport News 42 Schools (5 high, 8 middle, 24 elementary, 5 ECCs Total Membership % Economically Disadvantaged Minority Majority School Division Dropout Rate 2.4% Seen a gradual decrease in number of students missing 10% or more school days Graduation Rate 89.5% from 72.9% six years ago
Newport News Response
Thought from past 24 years……We often keep doing the same thing we have always done, expecting different results, or miracles
Data: The Place to Begin Big picture – Division Data Mine the data to determine your school’s data Look at individual student data Examples of data NNPS uses ADA, Comparison of data, Students with 3 or more etc.
History of Interventions: Punitive Attendance Policy – Less Punitive Ability to get reports mined down Difficulty getting reports 4 student information systems Loss of clerical support ABC PLANS Model for student focused intervention Two new staff to focus only on four priority elementary schools to include ECCs Some worked; some ?? 90s – Keeping Kids in School (Community Partnership model) Truancy Court (Drastically reduced number referred) Attendance Officers – enforcement only Attendance Officers – less enforcement CDT Meetings at 5 th unexcused Attendance Audits of Schools Police Partnership Bright Door Tags
Priority Early Outreach for Positive Linkages and Engagement P riority: Focuses on at-risk students in grades schools and neighborhoods with high levels of chronic absences E arly: Begins with the start of school O utreach: Connects to students and families P ositive: Promotes preventive, supportive approaches rather than punitive responses L inkages: Taps the full community for support E ngagement: Motivates showing up to class& offers students & families a role in improving attendance PEOPLE
NNPS INTERVENTION Striving Towards P.E.O.P.L.E. ( VDOE MODULE 9) Model of service delivery that will provide wrap around services for students identified through ABC Plan Process Intervention PreK -12 = intervening early after specific number of absences Multi-disciplinary concept Elementary/ECCs Pilot (Student 360 Beginning with Graduation in Mind)
Tier 3 Targeted Intervention 2 or more after success plan Multidisciplinary Team Tier 2 Early Intervention 3-5 unexcused absences; excessive excused; missing 2 more in 1 st month Home visits, success plans, calls letters (also see Tier 2 Interventions Module 9 – VDOE) Tier 1 “Services for all students” Recognition, calls, awards, positive school climate, incentives, relationships
Intervention PreK -12 School Teams meet to review attendance data (i.e names of students with absences) Tiered Approach ABC Plans Monitoring See Chart
Elementary/ECCs Pilot Student 360: Beginning with Graduation in Mind Began this past Fall-Infancy stage-detection of barriers 2 new positions; each assigned to four priority schools Wrap around services to include school based and community agencies Asset based model- “how are our students/parents motivated” Student Involvement Specialist coordinates the process; assigns monitor; links to services Develop full service model duplicating Magruder model Overview of model available
7 months later Discovering the barriers : People, territory, new person on block, practices in place regarding tardiness, front office………. Change: acceptance of partnering, intense focus, expectations of parents/guardians Small incremental steps equal success; one student at a time, one parent at a time June: We assess the year as we do throughout the year begin plans for August
Early Intervention System of Acknowledgement What we do to acknowledge change does not have to be HUGE Has to be relevant to age Should always include something for parent/guardian change Immediate is important End of marking period or semester or year is too long Small progress Consider celebrating in small groups
If time allows The work we do can be frustrating We face many challenges internal and external We sometimes don’t see any signs of change or progress How do we refresh
Every kid needs a champion Rita Pierson