2011 – 2012 ACE Remediation Bixby Public Schools
ACE Remediation Remediation provided within the school day Remediation provided during the summer Students monitored, as appropriate, with fluency checks, quizzes, assignments, technology
8 th Grade Reading 51 students participated in remediation 57% passed the 8 th Grade OCCT 7 students moved Math 50 students participated in remediation 61% passed the 8 th Grade OCCT 6 students moved
9 th Grade Reading 27 students participated in remediation 63% passed the Gates Reading Test with 8.0 or higher grade level Math 35 students participated in remediation 54% passed the Algebra I EOI
ACE Participation During the School Year Algebra I 24 students participated in remediation 63% passed the Algebra I EOI Algebra II 11 students participated 7 tested; 29% passed the EOI Geometry 9 students participated 9 tested; 56% passed
ACE Participation During the School Year English II 4 student participated 8 tested; 100% passed Biology 3 students participated 16 tested; 56% passed the EOI US History 1 students participated 1 tested; 100% passed
Summer Remediation 2011 Middle School math remediation 11 eighth grade students attended 4 dropped 3 passed; 43% proficient on exit test Middle School reading remediation 10 eighth grade students attended 2 dropped 2 were proficient; 25% proficient on the Gates Reading Test
Summer Remediation/Credit Recovery 2011 Algebra I remediation 28 students attended summer session 14 students were credit recovery only 5/10 were proficient (50%); 4 dropped the course Geometry remediation 19 students attended summer session 9 were credit recovery 3/5 were proficient (60%); 5 did not test
Summer Remediation/Credit Recovery 2011 Algebra II remediation 10 students attended summer session 5 were credit recovery only 1/3 were proficient (33.33%); 2 did not pass
US History remediation 10 participated in summer school 6 were credit recovery 2/4 were proficient (50%) Biology I remediation 16 participated in summer school 8 were credit recovery 3/5 were proficient (60%); 3 did not test Summer Remediation/Credit Recovery 2011
English II remediation 23 students attended summer session 7 were credit recovery 10/13 were proficient (77%); 3 did not test English III remediation 12 students attended summer session 2 were credit recovery 7/9 were proficient (78%); 1 did not test Summer Remediation/Credit Recovery 2011