MISS CECILIA NAHUELPÁN G. Colegio La Misión English Department 8th Grade, Intermediate Level. 2016
Materials for the English Cl ass English Plus 4 ( Student ’ s Book ) Notebook Dictionary
What not to do in the English class? Laugh at others Speak when someone else is speaking Be late Eat Use electronic devices
Participate actively in classes Ask when you don’t understand Help others Be on time Speak as much English as you can What to do in the English class?
Evaluations First Term Reading (1) Content test (3) Oral Presentation (1) Computer Lab (1) Classwork evaluation, at the end of June (1)
Extensive Reading
Extensive Reading First Term
Extensive Reading Second Term
Extensive reading will be evaluated as follows : Activities done in classes in your notebook. Group activity A written test at the end of the book. Evaluation
Computer Lab Materials for EVERY class: Dictionary Student’s book Notebook Headphones
English Department 2016