Guidance for Module / Exam Boards 2015/16 session David Ealey Head of Registry Services
Information Available Information Pack sent to key contacts– Is available on the Registry Services website Quality Handbook – on web, not portal for LEAP site er/qualityhandbook.aspx - Quality Handbook er/qualityhandbook.aspx
Deadlines Friday June 17 th - Entry of Marks onto AIS Friday June 24 th - 2pm Programme Board decisions to Registry Services by HAND Wednesday June 29 th - SPC Approve marks Thursday June 30th– Finalist Results released Friday July 1st – Other results released Monday July 11 th – Graduation Ceremonies Monday August 15 th – Resit Exams
Pass Lists Must be created from AIS Do NOT use duplicate copies Do NOT delete lines from pass list, every student MUST have an entry against them Must be signed by Chair AND External Examiner MUST have correct codes on or will be returned
Pass Lists Use correct lists for Finalists/End of Stage ALL Pass lists for 2014/15 or earlier should be sent directly to Head of Registry Services with explanation Exception reports MUST be used in all instances where module are being compensated, condoned or referred
Changes to Results ALL changes to a Finalist Result MUST have a Result Changes Coversheet attached to a Pass List. ALL changes to a progression decision for non- finalists MUST have a Result Changes Coversheet attached to a Pass List. If non-finalists choose to reassess rather than accept compensation them notification only is needed
Exception Reports MUST be used where changes need to be made to the module Pass/Fail flag Where students retaking modules that have new C16 structures in 16/17 then NEW module code MUST be indicated
Mitigating Circumstances Claims must be submitted within 7 days of deadline Later claims MUST be approved by SPC SPC ONLY judge if justification for late submission NOT on claim itself Must be evidence based
Mitigating Circumstances Medical evidence MUST confirm circumstances NOT just what the student has told the medical practitioner Successful claims should normally result in fresh attempt, but see other options SPC will be sampling claims after boards completed
Exam Boards Boards may not act outside regulations, but a Board may put a case to SPC for approval of a special case Minutes need to reflect basis for all decisions as will be needed for appeals External Examiners cannot change individual marks or decisions
Programme Boards Cannot override decisions of module boards Must consider all students
Compensation etc No more than 40 credits can be compensated, condoned and referred per stage No more than 60 credits for Honours or Ordinary Degree, 40 credits for Foundation Degree
Compensation Student has choice to accept or elect for reassessment so important they are notified asap by NOT discretionary Applied to all modules UNLESS explicitly specified in handbooks Compensated modules marked PC on exception reports
Referral Only available to non finalists Discretion of the Programme Board If failed in optional module then can take another module BUT ALL are subject to timetabling Marked on Exception Report as REF New module codes to be used if C16
Condonement Only available to finalists and pre-certificate stage For finalists only can be used for 20 credits Discretion of the Programme Board Marked on Exception Report as CON Pre-certificate stage up to 40 credits can be condoned
Progression Pass all modules then progression code is P If referral used progression code is PREF PC is NOT a progression code If progressing with outstanding assessments then POA If reassessing then progression code is DDR If assessing after M/C then code is DDI
Fail – Repeat Year Students who fail more than 60 credits at the first attempt MUST be failed and are not able to do reassessments BUT Board can permit a repeat year (FREP) where exceptional circumstances exist. Make sure it is in student’s interests though and support is in place
Reassessment Reassessment is a right, except where the candidate has not satisfied the submission requirements for the module... These requirements must have been published at the start of the module.
Borderline Rules A candidate who is borderline must be awarded the higher classification in the following cases where more than 50% of the credits counting towards classification are in the higher classification (or above); or where more than 50% of the credits in the last 2 stages are in the higher classification (or above); or where exactly 50% of the total credits in the last 2 stages counting towards classification are in the higher classification (or above) and more than 50% of credits in the final stage are in the higher classification (or above);
Borderline Rules Candidates not meeting one of these requirement cases must not be awarded the higher classification.
Borderlines – Mit Circs Except..... Students with mitigating circumstances who have not had those circumstances considered at the module level but have had the circumstances referred to the Programme Board, are eligible to have their degree classification raised even if not borderline. Pass to Head of Registry Services if this happens
– Return to Honours from Ordinary Degree Can transfer back to honours if passed all Certificate/Diploma modules OR Can demonstrate learning outcomes achieved Make sure students do not go to Graduation if they want to do this Talk to Visa Compliance Team if it is a Tier 4 student as they may not be able to do this
– Foundation Degree Merit and Distinction A candidate must be awarded the Foundation degree with merit provided that the candidate has achieved a weighted average of between 60 and 69 over all marks assigned in the Intermediate stage. (result = FDM) A candidate must be awarded the Foundation degree with distinction provided that the candidate has achieved a weighted average of 70 or greater over all marks assigned in the Intermediate stage. (result = FDD) No borderlines
Boards Making 2 Decisions Where Board wishes to make decision “regulations notwithstanding”, but do not have SPC permission yet. Make 2 decisions, based on 2 possible outcomes. Minute very clearly. Saves reconvening board, involving External, etc
Release of Results Online (MyAdmin) is now the main method of non-finalists accessing results. Finalists do still receive a full transcript of results in the post.
Results Surgeries Under appeal regulations all departments should hold a ‘Results Surgery’ to advise students. Can propose informal resolution for SPC approval
Academic Appeals Students can now graduate whilst an appeal is ongoing. Increased emphasis by OIA on finding informal resolution.
Postgraduate Dissertations Standard hand in date is September 16 th Change in PGT Regs for 2016/17 so 3 hand in points in September, January & May Change to PG Dissertation Extension Process Change in PG pass mark to 50 for 2016/17
Contacts Nicola Marsden– for changes to exam data on AIS and Exam issues – David Ealey– for SPC and everything else –