How to ask the best questions
This is “the action or process of observing something or someone carefully or in order to gain information.” The key to observation is simple: pay attention to details! How can we observe our surroundings? What kinds of observations do you make each day? 1. Observation
This means to “investigate systematically.” Look hard for answers to your questions—someone may have already answered it! What are some options you have for research? Why should you research BEFORE beginning to experiment? 2. Research
This is a “a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.” This is NOT a theory! What is a hypothesis you made today? 3. Make a hypothesis
“An orderly procedure carried out with the goal of verifying, refuting, or establishing the validity of a hypothesis.” Experimenting is a series of trial and error—just because your first thought is wrong doesn’t mean you should quit. What kind of experiments have you done? Do you have to be in a lab to experiment? 4. Experiment
Troubleshoot: what if your experiment isn’t working like you thought? What should you do? What if your experiment DOES work like it’s supposed to? What does that tell you? What steps should you take then? 4. Experiment (cont…)
“Discover or reveal (something) through detailed examination.” “When you finish your experiment, what did you find out?” What kinds of things do you analyze every day? Why should you analyze your experiments and labs closely? 5. Analyze Your Results
When you finish a lab or experiment, you hit a point where you either proved your hypothesis completely right, or wrong on at least one level. So…what now? 6. The “What now?” Step
If your original hypothesis was wrong, then no problem. Your experiment has provided more background information for new tests—you’ve learned what doesn’t work, and now you’re closer than ever to finding out what does! Thomas Edison tried over 1000 different materials to make a lightbulb before he found the right one! 6a. What if you were wrong?
If your original hypothesis was correct, then congratulations! You’ve almost made it to the end of the scientific method. Record your results and get ready, because it’s time to… 6b. What if you were right?
Science is a team sport—we work together, and we help each other as much as possible. When you find an answer to a question you had, share that answer with the world. You may be able to help someone else who has the same question you do, or you may inspire someone to take the first steps to becoming a scientist. 7. Share your results