GREENSBURG SALEM SCHOOL DISTRICT COMMON CORE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE September 2013 “The great thing in this world is not so much where we are but in what direction we are moving.”
Committee’s Purpose The purpose of Greensburg Salem School District’s Common Core Curriculum Committee is to inform decisions regarding curriculum, instruction, and assessment initiatives that align to Pennsylvania Common Core State Standards.
“Pink Bat Problems”
Committee Goals and Outcomes Analyze the PA Common Core State Standards in ELA and Math Establish instructional expectations for LA and Math Research/create curriculum frameworks for grades K-5 Research/purchase PA Common Core aligned materials and resources Research/design both formative and summative common assessments Revise standards based report card to align to PA Common Core State Standards
Task #1: “Spotlight” on the Standards End of Year Learning Outcome (What- PA Common Core Standard written in student friendly term) Content and Skill Details (How- Assessment Anchor descriptor, eligible content, and own ideas to clarify the outcome) Use text features and search tools to locate and interpret information Understand the structure of informational text Identify and use text features (headings, graphics, and charts) to locate information Identify and use search tools (key words, sidebars, and hyperlinks) to locate information
Task #2: Developing a “Homerun” Lesson Language Arts Lesson Teacher Students
K-5 Reading Workshop Mini Lessons (whole group/explicit instruction) Reading strategy or skill Based on need Driven by standards Explicitly teaching/modeling Anchor charts Independent/Small Group Work Daily 5 rotations Lessons based on students’ needs Differentiated menus and literacy tickets Literature circles Teacher’s role Observing Guiding/facilitating Conferencing Modeling Remediation/Enrichment Assessing Lesson Closure Reflection and summarization of learning
Task #3: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment “Playbook”
Hitting It Out of “The Park” and “Into The Classroom” September Spotlight on Unpacked Grade Level Standards Selection of PA Common Core Standard(s) October Implementation of Standard(s) Samples of Student Work