Welcome to our Turnitin & Canvas webinar! We will begin punctually at noon MST. Wondering where the sound is? Call Meet Me phone line 1805 from a campus phone. Or call the CMC main switchboard at or and ask the operator to connect you to extension 1805.
Dr. Gabrielle Orsi Office of Innovations in Teaching & Learning Visit to request account setup info & find our knowledge base Turnitin.com> Support or Getting Started
Turnitin compatible file types Turnitin only can process certain file types: Portable Document Format (.pdf) Microsoft Word® (.doc,.docx) Corel WordPerfect® HTML Adobe PostScript® Plain text (.txt) Rich Text Format (.rtf) Hangul (.hwp)
For the Spring 2016 Semester: New Turnitin integration for Canvas Turnitin.com website: no change in how you work there Warning re course copying: Canvas courses’ Assignments previously built with Turnitin will no longer work. If you copy them, you must modify them so that Turnitin will work. Building an Assignment to utilize Turnitin in your Canvas course will look and function differently. Better control of the details of your Turnitin Assignment. More extensive grading/markup tool available. Originality Reports will not easily be available for past students’ work submitted in old Canvas courses. Better rubric feature from Turnitin: upload Excel spreadsheets! However, rubrics must be built in Turnitin, not Canvas, to attach them to Assignments using Turnitin. Student View feature.
Canvas Test Environment: Practice building Resets every 2-3 weeks Only instructors, administrators can log in No impact on your real courses Sample course set up with demo assignments and fake student work submitted (demoteacher_gorsi, cool2015)