Huguenot High School High School Home of the Falcons
Mission The mission of Huguenot High School is to provide a high quality education that prepares, ensures, and empowers all students to achieve their full intellectual and social potential in order to become lifelong learners and productive members of society.
Who’s Who Mr. Jafar Barakat, Principal Dr. Shelia Hines, Assistant Principal Ms. Lafondra Mathis, Assistant Principal Dr. Johnny Mickens, Assistant Principal Mrs. Zymora Scott, 9 th Grade Counselor Mr. Shawn Knight Athletic Director Ms. Jannita Preston, 9 th Grade Academy Leader Ms. Talaunda Walker, Communities in Schools
Who’s Who 9 th Grade Teachers Mr. Lee- English Mrs. Zimmerman- English Mr. Holmes- Math Mrs. Smider- Math Mr. Segres- Social Studies Ms. Billups- Social Studies Ms. Nelson- Science Mr. Glasper- TAM Mr. Sullivan- Science Mr. Wills- P.E. Ms. Preston- P.E./ 9 th Grade Academy Leader
Preparing for Your Future Higher Education –College (2 or 4 year) –Technical or Professional School Military Work
High School Diploma Standard Diploma Advanced Diploma Modified Standard AP and Dual Enrollment Partnerships - J. Sargent Reynolds - James Madison University - V.C.U. - Virginia State University - Virginia Union University
RPS Graduation Requirements Four (4) Types of Diplomas Advanced Diploma - 24 Credits - 9 SOLs Standard Diploma - 22 Credits - 6 SOLs Modified Diploma - 20 Credits - 8 th Grade Math/English SOL Special/Certificates – Meet Education Plans
RPS Graduation Requirements Advanced Diploma – 24 Credits – 9 SOLs Course Credits SOLs English 4 2 Math 4 2 Science 4 2 History 4 2 Foreign Lang 3 1 Phys. Edu. 3 Fine/Prac. Art 1 Electives 2 Student Select Test 1
RPS Graduation Requirements Standard DP 20 Credits 6 SOLS Course Credits SOLs English 4 2 Math 42 Science 42 History 42 Foreign Lang 3 1 Phys. Edu. 3 Fine/Prac. Art 1 Electives 2 Student Select Test 1
RPS Graduation Requirements Modified Standard Diploma – 20 Credits – (2) 8 th SOLs Course CreditsSOLs English 4 8 th English SOL Math 3 8 th Math SOL Science 20 History 20 Foreign Lang 0 0 Phys. Edu. 2 Fine/Prac Art 1 Electives 6
Develop a Plan for your Future Begin with the “End in Mind ” Four-Year Colleges Two- Year Community Colleges Career and Technical Education Technical Schools/ Trade Schools Armed Services Apprenticeships
9 th Grade Disciplinarian ME!! Principal Barakat
Huguenot High Ideals 1. Respectful Follow Rules and Directions, Use of Appropriate Language, Respect Adults and Peers, Appropriate Dress. 2. Responsible Come to School Regularly, On-time to School and Class, Be Prepared, Work, Study hard and set High Goals and have High Expectations. 3. Accountable Take Ownership, Own your behavior and work to make better choices. 4. Courteous “Act as If”, “Respectful Swagga”, Do not engage in acts of “Defiance” 5. Consistent Be Reliable- “Character is what you do when no one is watching”.
Tardy Table You are expected to be in class on time! Tardy Table begins Monday, Sept. 24, 2012 Located in front hall across from office. If you are late for class, report to the tardy table for a tardy pass. Tardy passes available in cafeteria at lunch time. And yes, you can be tardy to lunch!
Tardy Consequences –3 Tardies = Phone Call Home – 4-6 Tardies = Parent Conference/ Lunch Detention/After School Detention/Community Service –7-9 Tardies = ISIP- (1-3 Days) –10+ Tardies = OSS (1-3 Days)
SOAR EXPECTATIONS S UCCESS –Showing effort –Being alert O WNERSHIP –Being prepared –Being responsible A TTENDANCE –Being present –Being prompt R ESPECT –Being considerate of others –Respecting school property –Wearing school appropriate dress –Using school appropriate language
Discipline – Progressive Model Warning Teacher-Led Conferences Phone Call Home Mandatory Parent Conference w/ Administrator/ Service Provider Community Service/ After School Detention In-School Intervention Program OSS 1-3 Day 3-5 Day 5-10 Day 10 Day+ Discipline Hearing
Huguenot High Ideals 1. Respectful Follow Rules and Directions, Use of Appropriate Language, Respect Adults and Peers, Appropriate Dress. 2. Responsible Come to School Regularly, On-time to School and Class, Be Prepared, Work, Study hard and set High Goals and have High Expectations. 3. Accountable Take Ownership, Own your behavior and work to make better choices. 4. Courteous “Act as If”, “Respectful Swagga”, Do not engage in acts of “Defiance” 5. Consistent Be Reliable- “Character is what you do when no one is watching”.
The “New” Huguenot High School 2015
Huguenot High School Soaring Higher to Achieve Academic Excellence for All