Introduction to the CPR. Transition from CPD to CPR, key dates TAIEX Workshop INT MARKET CPR and CE marking, Baku, 23 and 24 February 2015
common technical language to be applied by: when declaring the performance of their products when specifying requirements when choosing the products most suitable for their intended use in construction works manufacturers authorities of Member States users: architects, engineers, constructors Harmonised Technical Specifications hEN and EAD
Harmonised European standards (hEN) elaborated by European Standardisation Organisations (CEN/CENELEC) consulted by Standing Committee on Construction published in the Official Journal of the European Union
Harmonised European standards (hEN) refer to the intended uses of products covered by them provide the methods and the criteria for assessing the performance of the construction products in relation to their essential characteristics determine the applicable factory production control Include technical details for the implementation of the system of assessment and verification of constancy of performance
European Assessment Document (EAD) drawn and adopted by Organisation of Technical Assessment Bodies (EOTA) consulted by the Commission number and title published in the Official Journal of the European Union EAD published on website of EOTA
European Assessment Document (EAD) when EAD is issued the product does not fall within the scope of any existing harmonised standard for at least one essential characteristic of that product the assessment method provided for in harmonised standard is not appropriate the harmonised standard does not provide for any assessment method in relation to at least one essential characteristic of that product
European Assessment Document (EAD) Content of the EAD general description of the construction product list of the essential characteristics, relevant for the intended use the methods and the criteria for assessing the performance of the construction products in relation to their essential characteristics the applicable factory production control
Regulation (ЕU) 305/2011 Basic requirements Essential characteristics Performances (level, class, description) Mandate of EC CEN/CENELEC Harmonised standard EOTA ЕАDЕTA
Product Contact Points for Construction (PCPC) Member States shell designate PCPC PCPC provide information on the provisions within its territory aimed at fulfilling basic requirements for construction works, applicable for the intended use of each construction product
Assessment and Verification of Constancy of Performance (AVCP) the European Commission establishes which system or systems are applicable of AVCP Commission chooses the least onerous system or systems which ensure the fulfilment of all basic requirements for construction works Five systems of AVCP: 4, 3, 2+, 1, 1+ they all include: determination of the product type factory production control
Simplified procedures Art.36 use of Appropriate Technical Documentation to declare one or several essential characteristics without testing or without further testing; to share test results; cascaded transmission of test results; Art.37 simplified procedures by micro-enterprises Art.38 simplified procedures for individually manufactured or custom made in a non-series process products
Notified Bodies (NB) designated by Member States of the European Economic Area (EEA) as well as by other countries (e.g. Switzerland or Turkey) having signed a specific agreement with the EU Tasks of NB: product certification factory production control (FPC) certification determination of the product-type on the basis of type testing
Technical Assessment Bodies (TAB) designated by Member States notably for one or several product areas (annex IV, table 1) Tasks of TAB assessment and issuing of the European Assessment in a product area for which it has been designated TABs have to established an organisation for their cooperation EOTA
Official Journal of the European Union Harmonised Standards Example
Reference number of superseded harmonised technical specifications, if any Official Journal of the European Union Harmonised Standards Example
Harmonised Standards Example (EN Bitumen and bituminous binders)
Harmonised Standards Example ( EN 1304 Clay roofing tiles and fittings )
Harmonised Standards Example (EN Bitumen and bituminous binders)
Harmonised Standards Example (EN 1304 Clay roofing tiles and fittings )
Harmonised Standards Example (EN Bitumen and bituminous binders)
Declaration of Performance (DoP) the manufacturer shall draw up a DoP when a product covered by a hEN or a ETA is placed on the market the DoP serves to deliver the information about the essential characteristics of the product that a manufacturer wants to make available the manufacturer, by drawing up a DoP, assumes the responsibility for the conformity of the construction product with the declared performance
СЕ marking – Directive 93/68/ЕЕС
Field of application of the Regulation (EU) 305/2011 MRAs to promote trade in goods between the EU and third countries Australia Canada Israel Japan New Zealand Switzerland United States
Transition from the CPD to CPR key dates Publication of CPR in the Official Journal of the European Union – 04 April 2011; Enter into force – 20 th day following its publication; Articles 3-28, 36-38, 56-63, 65 and 66, as well as Annexes I, II, III and V apply from 1 July 2013.
European legislation Directive 89/106/EEC Directive New Approach transposition into national law legal texts requiring interpretation Regulation (EU) 305/2011 higher level legislation direct application in the Member States more clearly established requirements
CE marking Directive 89/106/EEC CE marking was not mandatory in 4 Member States CE marking - a sign of compliance with EU legislation Regulation (EU) 305/2011 CE marking is mandatory in the case of hEN (exceptions in art.5) CE marking - conformity of the product with the declared performance
Essential/Basic requirements for construction works Directive 89/106/EEC 6 essential requirements for construction works: Mechanical resistance and stability Safety in case of fire Hygiene, health and the environment Safety in use Protection against noise Energy economy and heat retention Regulation (EU) 305/ basic requirements for construction works: Mechanical resistance and stability Safety in case of fire Hygiene, health and the environment Safety and accessibility in use Protection against noise Energy economy and heat retention Sustainable use of natural resources
Assessment of construction products Directive 89/106/EEC 6 systems of conformity assessment: 4, 3, 2, 2+, 1, 1+ simplified procedures imposed by the practice and recommended in the guidance of the EC ET Approvals with and without ETAG Regulation (EU) 305/ systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance : 4, 3, 2+, 1, 1+ simplified procedures in art. 36, art. 37 and art. 38 ET Assessments on the base of EAD
Assessment of construction products Directive 89/106/EEC 6 systems of conformity assessment: 4, 3, 2, 2+, 1, 1+ simplified procedures imposed by the practice and recommended in the guidance of the EC ET Approvals with and without ETAG Regulation (EU) 305/ systems of assessment and verification of constancy of performance : 4, 3, 2+, 1, 1+ simplified procedures in art. 36, art. 37 and art. 38 ET Assessments on the base of EAD
Directive 89/106/EEC introduced obligations only to producers not foreseen information on national requirements for construction products EC has elaborated guidelines for all non regulated problems Regulation (EU) 305/2011 obligations for all economic operators intervening in the supply and distribution chain requires the establishment of contact points on construction products the rights of the Commission are delegated with art. 60
Continuity of EU legislation CPD and CPR use CE marking CPD and CPR harmonise 4 elements that create technical barriers to trade: system of technical specifications; system of evaluation of construction products; requirements for Notified Bodies; presentation of technical information. Kristina Tsalova 2015