Chapter 19 S3: Indian people in retreat
Sitting Bull Promises made and broken Sitting bull addressed congress on white settlers coming into Indian land Ft. Laramie treaty Government built string of forts to protect miners and settlers. Government asked Indian nations to limited area reservations given $, tools, land was theirs forever Gold was discovered in 1858 at Pikes Peak. What problems would this create?
Chivington Massacre and result 1864: Destroyed village and ignored surrender flag by N.A. Soldiers and N.A. fought in wars over land. Results: – Government told N.A. to live as white farmers and send them to learn “american” ways at schools. – Forced onto reservations and into the territory of Oklahoma **Poor soil and Native Americans were hunters not farmers.
The war for the west
C uster’s last stand Gold found in Black Hills miners rushed in: Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse fought back Sioux war of 1876 Custer attacked with only 225 men vs. 600 N.A. *Battle of Little Big Horn
Crazy horse and result: google earth N.A. eventually were defeated and gave in to government demands. *gave up black hills and 1/3 of the land in the fort Laramie treaty. Apache wars-government vs Geronimo. Geronimo surrenders ends formal fighting
Indian way of life ends On reservations tried to practice Ghost Dance many settlers grew worried and eventually outlawed the Dance * Sitting Bull dies Wounded knee- Lakotas flee the reservations and U.S. Army tracks them to SD. N.A. are ready to surrender and a shot is fired in the end 300 Native Americans are dead and 25 soldiers died- this ends the Ghost Dance google earth
Future of the monument of crazy horse
Reformers Fail Late 1800’s Indians were forced onto reservations Reformers speak out against the treatment- Helen Hunt Jackson- Century of Dishonor- discussion treaties broken. Congress passes the Dawes Act (1887)-forced N.A. to be farmers. Was not successful – N.A. saw land as open, sold land for low prices to whites – Changed culture took away power of Indian leaders
Navajo Indians
Havasupai indians
Hopi Indians