Effusive constrictive pericarditis
Symptoms and objective findings due to variable mixtures of pericardial effusion or tamponade accompanied by constriction of vesceral pericardium Typical hemodynamic findings of pericardial constriction persisted after the pericardial effusion was drained
etiology Idiopathic Radiation Neoplasia Chemotherapy Infection (Tuberculosis …) Postsurgical pericardial disease
Echocardiography in CP 2D-echo pericardial thickening septal "baunce" respiratory septal shift- Rt-> Lt. in inspiration Lt->Rt. In expiration RA enlargement dilated IVC with plethora
M-mode respiratory septal shift
Dopper high E, short DT and small A in MV inflow Decreased of E velocity over 25 % in inspiration than in expiration Increase of IVRT over 20% in inspiration
catherization prominent X and Y in RA pr. increased atrial pressure square root or dip and plateau pattern early rapid rise in ventricular diastolic pr. sudden stop of rise of diastolic pr. rapid early diastolic filling of the ventricle, followed by lack of additional filling due to compression in mid and late diastole greater inspiratory fall in PCWP equalization of end-diastolic pressure of all chamber
DDx from CP After pericardiocentesis Lowering of the pericardial pressure to near zero Persistence of elevated Rt. Atrial pressure Defined by failure of the right atrial pressure to fall by 50 % or to a level below 10 mmHg