Some of our officers prepare for the year. OFFICERS
We participated in a school-wide club rush in September. MEMBERSHIP RECRUITMENT
Member Alexis M. participated in the Buddy Walk sponsoring the Downs Syndrome Association. BUDDY WALK
Members staffed the obstacle course for three hours at the school-sponsored event to collect over 5,000 cans for the local food bank. SCHOOL-BASED ACTIVITIES AND WORLD JR. CIVITAN DAY CELEBRATION
We collected $700 in spare change from staff and students at our school – most of it in ONE DAY – to benefit the March of Dimes and premature babies! SOCIAL CAUSE: MARCH OF DIMES BABY BOTTLE CHANGE DRIVE President Curtis Crowther features the bottle collection of change which took two hours to count!
FUNDRAISING We have two fundraising partners. We have monthly Share Days at Sweet Frog. We also sell Krispy Kreme donut certificates and also donuts at the ESE basketball games to support our ESE Buddies and Polar Plunge. DONUTS - $1
November 2013 VISITING WITH TALLAHASSEE CIVITAN President Curtis Crowther and Public Relations Director Hannah Jessup attend with Mrs. Kirby, their Advisor, at the Tallahassee Civitan mid November meeting.
Officers and Advisor Mrs. Michelle Kirby met with District Director Penny Bonawitz this November to receive training. Thanks Miss Penny! F.L.O.A.T.
CHALK THE WALK Members advertised our November Sweet Frog Share Day via advertising on the school sidewalk.
We collected 160 t-shirts and donated them to the local homeless shelter. COLLECTION SELECTION Curtis and Isham carefully fold and recount the gently used t-shirts.
OUR ESE BUDDIES We regularly have lunch with our buddies. They have their own basketball league. We supported their garden project by selling donuts at their December game. We love our buddies!
CHRISTMAS WITH OUR BUDDIES Our club members spent their own money to purchase items for our ESE Buddies. Our Buddies completed an interest survey which helped us determine their favorites such as Disney, The Simpsons, a basketball, Rascal Flatts CD, Star Wars light saber, etc.
Environmental Awareness Campaign We plan to help our ESE Buddies upgrade their landscape garden. The garden is just outside our media center. We have raised $120 so far.
Our club financially supports the work of the Civitan International Research Center. Read more about them.Read more about them. CIVITAN INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH CENTER The Civitan International Research Center is an interdisciplinary center dedicated to improving lives through neurodevelopmental research and the prevention and treatment of developmental disabilities. Established in 1990, the CIRC now includes over 80 scientists, clinicians and research staff from around the globe. Dr. Harald Sontheimer, Professor of Neuobiology, is the current Director and is joined by Pediatric Neurologist Dr. Alan Percy as Medical Director. Research and clinical activities include autism spectrum disorders, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, constriain therapy, Rett syndrome, Alexander's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease among others.
Our club is raised $120 by selling donuts at the January ESE basketball game to support our own Shawk Hawk’s Polar Plunge this February 1, 2014 in Orlando Click here to go directly to Shawn’s page POLAR PLUNGE Shawn with his team, the Capital City Chillers
FEBRUARY Vice President Miranda Madenborough (left) presented our ESE Buddies with a check for $120 for their landscape garden project. This was our club’s Envirnmental Project.
MORE FEBRUARY Presentation of $120 to Shaun Hawk for his Polar Plunge – the annual event of the Florida Special Olympics.
Continue to Expect Great Things from Chiles High School Jr. Civitan Club