9 th September 2015
P.E. P.E. will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays. All children should have their P.E. uniforms for all sessions and will change during the school day. All clothing and P.E. bags should be labelled.
Themes Our creative theme for this term is: Earth and Beyond Science: Sound English: recounts, newspapers, stories with Sci-Fi settings, poetry Maths: number work, mental maths, Roman numerals
Daily Reading Books will be changed every Wednesday. Please sign the homework diary every day. 2 books will be given at a time- usually one fiction and one non-fiction. Please check that your child is able to comprehend and answer questions about the book. Also read books from the local library to increase vocabulary and know about different types of books.
Homework: 2-3 hrs Homework can be found on the St Mary’s website, under Classes, Year 4, Year 4 Homework. Encourage your child to do their homework independently, giving them help where needed. Please ensure that if your child makes a mistake that they cross it out using a ruler. All homework is handed out on Thursdays.
Please follow the school uniform policy which can be found on the school website- please label all pieces of uniform. Fruit or vegetable snack may be sent in for children at playtime. Children should bring their bags to school everyday. Children are allowed to bring in a water bottle to school. Bottles should be clear and should have a sports cap.
Contact If you need to discuss anything important please wait until all the children have been collected from class after school. You can send a note in if you need to notify me about something. If you wish to meet with me, Mrs Collis will make a suitable appointment. Teacher may need to talk to parents: To share some exceptional work/effort. To pass on a message from office/SMT. Please let the office know if your child has to attend any dental or other appointments.
Letters / Website Please send all reply slips, dinner menus, trip permission slips or any other letters via your child’s bag. Please use the website for information regarding assemblies, termly dates, productions, school closure (due to snowing) etc.
Dates to Remember Trips and workshops are in the process of being booked to take place towards the end of the half term- a letter will be sent home shortly. Parent’s Evenings will take place on Wednesday 23 rd September from 1:30pm and Tuesday 29 th September from 4pm Class Assembly and coffee morning will take place on Wednesday 7 th October Class Mass will take place on Friday 13 th May
Thank you for coming.