A Brief Overview of Mexican Independence Day
If you thought May 5 th was Mexican Independence Day, you are Mistaken! If you thought May 5 th was Mexican Independence Day, you are Mistaken!
September 16 th and 5 de Mayo Mexican Independence Day is celebrated on September 16 th, not May 5 th. Mexican Independence Day is celebrated on September 16 th, not May 5 th. Mexican Independence Day commemorates the “Grito de Dolores” or “Cry of Dolores” of September 16 th, Mexican Independence Day commemorates the “Grito de Dolores” or “Cry of Dolores” of September 16 th, n/yt/watch?v=SIcF_ziSlWU&feature=youtu.be n/yt/watch?v=SIcF_ziSlWU&feature=youtu.be
El Grito de Dolores Dolores was (and still is) a small hamlet in the agricultural, mining and manufacturing region northwest of Mexico City. Dolores was (and still is) a small hamlet in the agricultural, mining and manufacturing region northwest of Mexico City. The region’s population had been growing around the turn of the century (1800) and was suffering the strains of unemployment, and poverty. The region’s population had been growing around the turn of the century (1800) and was suffering the strains of unemployment, and poverty. The Encomienda system was still officially in place The Encomienda system was still officially in place
(Dolores, cont.) Economic difficulties were compounded by a series of droughts that created unrest among the region’s large peasant population. Economic difficulties were compounded by a series of droughts that created unrest among the region’s large peasant population.
Father Miguel Hidalgo Father Miguel Hidalgo was a parish priest in Dolores who, moved by the suffering of his parishioners and his own political views, sparked the brewing rebellion. Father Miguel Hidalgo was a parish priest in Dolores who, moved by the suffering of his parishioners and his own political views, sparked the brewing rebellion. On September 16 th, 1810 Father Hidalgo rang the bells of his church, calling on the gathered masses to join him in a revolt against the Spanish colonial government. On September 16 th, 1810 Father Hidalgo rang the bells of his church, calling on the gathered masses to join him in a revolt against the Spanish colonial government.
“El Grito de Dolores” One of the bells today.
Guanajuato Hidalgo led his followers to the large mining city of Guanajuato where they killed the local governor, sacked the city and raided its food warehouses. Hidalgo led his followers to the large mining city of Guanajuato where they killed the local governor, sacked the city and raided its food warehouses. However, two thousand insurgents were killed in the battle for the city (only 300 defenders were killed) and Father Hidalgo realized that his revolt was disintegrating into mob violence. However, two thousand insurgents were killed in the battle for the city (only 300 defenders were killed) and Father Hidalgo realized that his revolt was disintegrating into mob violence.
The Revolt Breaks Down After Guanajuato, Hidalgo and his followers marched to the outskirts of Mexico City, which they could have taken. After Guanajuato, Hidalgo and his followers marched to the outskirts of Mexico City, which they could have taken. However, Father Hidalgo did not want to see a repeat of the bloodshed in Guanajuato and retreated. However, Father Hidalgo did not want to see a repeat of the bloodshed in Guanajuato and retreated.
The end of the revolt. The retreating Father Hidalgo was captured by royal troops, defrocked (his right to act as a priest) and executed in The retreating Father Hidalgo was captured by royal troops, defrocked (his right to act as a priest) and executed in Mexico did not actually achieve its independence for another 10 years, but Father Hidalgo’s actions were an important first step to ending Spanish rule in Mexico. Mexico did not actually achieve its independence for another 10 years, but Father Hidalgo’s actions were an important first step to ending Spanish rule in Mexico. To this day the Grito de Dolores inspires Mexican national pride and campaigns for social justice. To this day the Grito de Dolores inspires Mexican national pride and campaigns for social justice.
In Mexico City, thousands congregate in the Zócalo, or main square, on the night of the 15th to hear the President ring the same bell that Hidalgo did and recite the Grito de Dolores. The crowd roars, cheers and chants, and fireworks light up the sky. On the 16th, every city and town all over Mexico celebrates with parades, dances and other civic festivals. Most Mexicans celebrate by hanging flags all over their home and spending time with family. A feast is usually involved. If the food can be made red, white and green (like the Mexican Flag) all the better!
5 de Mayo 5 de Mayo on the other hand celebrates the Mexican victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, de Mayo on the other hand celebrates the Mexican victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, The French under Napoleon III had taken Mexico, in an attempt to make Mexico a French colony now that the Spanish had been driven out. The French under Napoleon III had taken Mexico, in an attempt to make Mexico a French colony now that the Spanish had been driven out. The Battle of Puebla was the beginning of the end for the French in Mexico. The Battle of Puebla was the beginning of the end for the French in Mexico.
5 de Mayo (cont.) This was an important day in Mexican history, but the holiday remains largely a regional celebration. This was an important day in Mexican history, but the holiday remains largely a regional celebration. In the United States this day has become an important one for the recognition of Mexican culture, but its historical significance has been lost. In the United States this day has become an important one for the recognition of Mexican culture, but its historical significance has been lost. To prove my point, when I did an internet search of “5 de Mayo” I came up with this image. (Next slide) To prove my point, when I did an internet search of “5 de Mayo” I came up with this image. (Next slide)
America’s perception of May 5
But when I searched for “Battle of Puebla,” I found this. Mexico’s perception of May 5