The Small Business Act for Europe – general overview Wojciech SOPINSKI SME Policy Unit SBA conference -Belgrade 06/03/2012
SMEs are vital for the EU economy
SMEs in the EU economy some SMEs = 99.8% of EU businesses
SMEs - EU’s growth engine
EU SME Policy Framework
Method and objectives Coordination – Art 173 TEU Guidelines and indicators Monitoring Evaluation Favourable conditions Innovation Research Technological development Funding
SME Policy Competition policy Internal Market Trade policy Regional policy Social Policy Environmental Policy Fiscal policy Consumer & health protection policies R&D Education Policy
The Small Business Act Adoption in June 2008 A set of politically binding principles Reduction of administrative burden Access to finance Access to markets
The 10 principles of the SBA 1.Entrepreneurship 2.2 nd chance 3.“Think Small First” 4.Supportive public administration 5.Public procurement + state aid 6.Access to finance 7.Single Market 8.Skills and Innovation 9.Enable SMEs to tackle environmental challenges 10.Access external markets
2011= the SBA Review A new governance structure Need to continue improving SME business and administrative environment to prepare for new challenges Need for strong SMEs, particularly in a situation of economic crisis, as they have lost 3.25 million jobs
SME Envoys - new SBA governance SME Envoy Network 27 national SME Envoys and the EU SME Envoy - Participation of SME stakeholders Concrete commitments by end 2012 Improve access to financing at EU and national level Increase share of SMEs in public procurement Simplify business environment: reduce time (3 days) and cost (100 €) to start a business
Better regulatory environment Application of the « Think Small First » principle SME Tests Reduction of administrative burden Simplification of legislation, Exemptions, time to set up a business One-stop-shops
Better and easier access to capital EU guarantee for SME bank loans: additional SMEs to benefit till 2012 Access to capital – Promote investment from Venture capitals into SMEs €1.1 billion of Competitiveness and Innovation funding will allow SMEs to benefit from €30 billion financing ( ) Simplify rules for greater access of SMEs to EU funds Greater and easier access for SMEs to internet data on financing opportunities and in their own language
Better and easier access to markets Public procurement Cross-border cooperation A new strategy for EU SMEs going international Environmental challenges Networking and support Enterprise Europe Network Help desk for Intellectual Property Rights EU SME Centres abroad
Further information European Small Business Portal Thank you Wojciech SOPINSKI