Seeing the Invisible: Observing the Dark Side of the Universe Sarah Bridle University College London
What we see
What we don’t see
Missing matter: Dark Matter (matter that doesn’t shine)
What we don’t see Missing energy: Dark Energy (energy that is not matter) Missing matter: Dark Matter (matter that doesn’t shine)
Supernovae as Standard Candles
Big Bang5 billion years agoToday
Why is the Universe Accelerating? Einstein’s cosmological constant A new fluid called Dark Energy General Relativity is wrong
Seeing the Invisible: Is there something in between us and the wall and tree?
Using the bending of light to see the invisible
Just one Equation from General Relativity
90 years ago Eddington confirmed Einstein’s prediction during a solar eclipse
Average galaxies together to measure weak gravitational shear
Simulated Dark Matter Map
Gravitational Lensing Map
Universe was 0.2 Gyr old
Universe was 1 Gyr old
Universe was 4.7 Gyrs old
Today (13.6 Gyr)
Map in 3d
Typical star used for finding telescope response Typical galaxy used for lensing
Gravitational Lensing
Atmosphere and Telescope
Results from the HST COSMOS Survey
The Largest ever Survey with HST
The Visible The Invisible
In 3 Dimensions
The Future JDEM
Future prospects Cosmic microwave background radiation – Distribution of dark matter at early times Distribution of galaxies – Some clues to distribution of matter Galaxy velocities – Galaxies fall towards dark matter clumps Gravitational lensing The Dark Energy Survey
Hexapod Corrector Lenses CCD Readout Filters Shutter Mechanical Interface of DECam Project to the Blanco Focal plane (detector)
Ground vs Space weak lensing shear space ground
Why is the Universe Accelerating? Einstein’s cosmological constant A new fluid called Dark Energy General Relativity is wrong