P + /bar P (2-jets) + X process at E ~ M_W scale - [perturbative QCD + electroweak interaction] event Hongsu Kim Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI)
[ Objective/ purpose] In the P + /bar P (2-jets) + X process at E ~ M_W scale (~80 Gev), aside from “pure-QCD background” contribution, we want to explore the “Electroweak interaction” and the “interference between Electroweak & QCD interaction” contribution to the total cross section of this process. [BAO from the perspective of Observational Astronomy] [II] Next, in terms of the observational Astronomy, it has been conjectured that this BAO effect is the first principle which originally is responsible for the late-time “galaxy clustering” in LSS in the present universe ![Peebles, 1970; Joseph Silk, 1968; Sunyaev-Zel’dovich, 1970; Dick Bond &Efstathiou,1984]
[QCD jet production by P /bar P collision at the Fermi Lab]
[associated parton-parton sub processes]
[kinematics of the parton-parton C.M. system]
[associated QCD jet parameters]
[the total cross section]
[ concluding remarks, perspectives]
[BAO scenario as the primordial origin for Galaxy Clustering]