April 17th, 2007BEAMR1 Bluetooth Enabled Autonomous Mobile Robot (BEAMR) Sid Gaddam Major: Computer Engg. Areas of Interest: - Wireless Communication - Digital Logic Design
April 17th, 2007 BEAMR 2 BEAMR System Overview
April 17th, 2007 BEAMR 3 Deliverables Ability to navigate autonomously Implement Collision Avoidance/Detection Establish a Bluetooth Connection Capturing Images using Camera Transfer of Visual Data via Bluetooth
April 17th, 2007 BEAMR 4 Resources/Parts Used MAVRIC IIB uC Board with Atmel Mega128 Blue Radios Mitsuma Bluetooth Transceiver C328 VGA Camera with JPEG Compression Sharp IR Proximity Sensors 3V Mabuchi DC Motors Pololu’s Low Voltage Dual Motor Serial Controller Xiamen Ocular LCD Module 3x2 Battery Pack, 1x1 Battery Pack Circular Chassis, Rubber Tyres, Steel Tec AVR USB-JTAG Programmer AVR Studio with WinAVR C Compiler
April 17th, 2007 BEAMR 5 Motor Control Low Voltage Dual Motor Serial Controller by Pololu Motors driven at 1.5V, Max Current Draw is 1A Driven by UART0 using a 9600/n/1 setting 1 config packet = 3B, transmits the number of motors on the serial line and their names info 1 control packet = 4B, transmits the motor speed & direction for one motor Gearbox Assembly set up in a 203:1 low speed ratio
April 17th, 2007 BEAMR 6 IR Proximity Sensors Analog Values converted using ADC module Sampling Frequency = KHz Vref = 5V, 10-bit resolution Detection Range = 10cm to 60cm
April 17th, 2007 BEAMR 7 Bluetooth Transceiver Class 1 Radio with 100m range, 3.3V Operates at 2.4GHz ISM Uses Spread Spectrum Frequency Hopping Asynchronous Connection Link setup Packet switched link between Host and Client Automatic Repeat Request scheme implemented Chip configured by uC sending AT serial commands on UART1 using 9600/n/1 setting AT Command Format: “Command” Response: OK, ERR
April 17th, 2007 BEAMR 8 VGA Camera with JPEG Compression Camera configured by uC sending serial commands on UART1 using 9600/n/1 setting 1 command/packet = 6B Cam module supports 11 commands 80x64 pixel color image, JPEG, 60Hz LF Data packet size is user defined At 64B/packet, it takes 89 data packets
April 17th, 2007 BEAMR 9