1 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt 20 pt 30 pt 40 pt 50 pt 10 pt Tricky Terms Wacky Tickers Bulls, Bears, Sectors… Oh, My! In the Market On the Dow
2 A share of ownership in a business; a share of a company’s profit (or loss) belongs to each
3 What is a stock?
4 The last price at which a stock traded on a particular day
5 What is closing price?
6 A collection of securities, such as stocks and bonds, owned by an individual or institutional investor
7 What is a portfolio?
8 Buying stock in order to repay a broker for the shares borrowed when the stock was sold
9 What is short cover?
10 Replacing each share of stock with a large number of lower priced shares but keeping the total value of one’s investment unchanged
11 What is stock split?
13 What is Apple?
14 KO
15 What is Coca Cola?
16 LUV
17 What is Southwest Airlines?
18 GPS
19 What is GAP Clothing?
20 HOG
21 What is Harley Davidson Motorcycles?
22 A prolonged period of rising stock prices
23 What is a bull market?
24 Microsoft, Apple and Google are classified in this sector of the market
25 What is technology?
26 The market turned bearish in 1929 with a huge selling crash- it is known as this
27 What is the the Stock Market Crash of 1929 ? Also accept, What is the Great Depression?
28 Reducing risk by combining different investments – “not putting all your eggs in one basket”
29 What is diversification or diversifying your portfolio?
30 Tyson Foods, Hasbro, Coca Cola and Honda Motors fall in this sector
31 What is consumer goods?
32 Oldest, largest and most prestigious stock exchange in the United States, located on Wall Street
33 What is the New York Stock Exchange?
34 Computerized exchange for securities no listed on the New York Stock Exchange
35 What is NASDAQ?
36 The best known measure of stock prices consisting of 30 large, well-known companies in major sectors of the U.S. economy
37 What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average? (Dow)
38 A popular measure of stock prices consisting of 500 large companies that represent the major sectors of the U.S. economy
39 What is the Standard & Poor’s 500 (S & P 500)?
40 A company’s closing price divided by its latest annual earnings per share. It is called this when calculated with last year’s earnings
41 What is the Price/Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio)
42 This company came on the DOW in headquartered in Bentonville, AR
43 What is Walmart?
44 This company became listed on the DOW in 1991 and is home to Mickey Mouse
45 What is Walt Disney?
46 The only company to remain on the DOW from 1896 when the first companies were listed
47 What is General Electric?
48 It’s the Real Thing…This company came on the DOW in 1987 and has been loving it ever since.
49 What is Coca Cola?
50 This fast food company became listed on the DOW in 1985 and is a fast food giant
51 What is McDonalds?