The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Review of Fire Safety Audit form and Process.


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Presentation transcript:

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Review of Fire Safety Audit form and Process

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service CFOA commenced Fire Safety preparation for FSO in early 2004 CFOA Training and initial audit form issued to all brigades late 2004 Training completed prior to April 2005 FSO deferred until October 2005 Software development completed Use of Audit form commenced 1 st October 2005

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Virtually all FRA’s have adopted or adapted the CFOA audit process Audit process designed to deliver greater consistency in enforcing FSO across country – which was achieved CFOA agreed with CLG to review the fire safety audit after 12 months CFOA Task and finish Group established December 2007 (led by HFRS) Key issues identified with Part B of the Fire Safety Audit – –Compliance level often inappropriate –Initial Enforcement expectation often wrong –CFOA EMM too restrictive

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service T of R/Work streams Workstream 1 –Review of Audit Form Parts A & C to reflect current FSEC requirements –Review the compatibility and issue of site specific information for RCC –Review implications for CLG returns –Review the Graphic Equaliser (Impact of Mott MacDonald report) Workstream 2 –Review of Audit Form Part B –Scoring/weighting etc –Scope of articles –Lessons learned –Process –EMM Workstream 3 –Ops Data Gathering (Parts A and C Audit form) –All work deferred until workstreams 1 and 2 are complete Workstream 4 –Article 31 Notices –All work deferred until workstreams 1 and 2 are complete

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Other issues Consultation with stakeholders Other issues deferred until work is complete –The implications of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Bill –The implications of the Compliance Code –The implications of the Retail Enforcement Project

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Early work undertaken by CFOA South West Region Initially met for discussions early in September 2007 to look at audit form

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Initial Issues Wanted to achieve an outcome of Audit to more fully reflect the risk in the building Wanted to amend current system rather than wholesale change –for National acceptance Current audit system takes no account of Article importance –E.G (Article 37 – firefighters switches for luminous tube signs has same weighting as Article 14 – emergency routes and exits and Article 13 – Firefighting and fire detection) Current scoring system – total of scores and divide by number of section used – results in an average score across the Articles –Often results in satisfactory when not appropriate

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Schedule th /12 th September 2007 SW group revised Part B Trialled in SW Region with good early results 5 th /6 th December 2007 National CFOA meeting –South West amendments presented to National CFOA T & F group National group agree with the principles and philosophy used Extend Pilot across all Regions Jan/April 2008

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Schedule 2008/9 2 nd/ 3 rd April 2008 – National CFOA meeting – lessons learnt from pilot Full Nationwide consultation (6 weeks) May/June 2008 Consultation with all F&RS, CLG, CBI, FSB and LBRO Return from all CFOA Regions, CLG and LBRO Software Suppliers informed of changes Guidance note and revised audit form issued to all F&RS 4 th August 2008 (2008/1016) In use April 2009

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Existing audit form has three parts – A, B & C Revised audit form has four parts – A, B, C & D

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Part A example changes

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Part A example changes

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Part A example changes

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Part B & C example changes Articles Scoring Methodology EMM Process

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Article No. and descriptionPossible scores 9 – Risk Assessment1,3 or 5 10 – Principles of prevention1,3 or 5 11 – Fire safety arrangements1,3 or 5 12 – Dangerous substances1,3 or 5 15 – Procedures for imminent danger1,3 or 5 16 – Additional measures – dangerous substances1,3 or 5 17 – Maintenance1,3 or 5 18 – Safety Assistance1,3 or 5 21 – Training1,3 or 5 14 – Emergency routes and exits1,3 or 5 29 – Alterations notices1,3 or 5 13 – Fire-fighting and fire detection1,3 or 5 19 – Information to employees1,3 or 5 20 – Information to employers from outside undertakings1,3 or 5 22 – Co-operation and co-ordination1,3 or 5 23 – Employees duties1,3 or 5 37 – FF switches for luminous tubes1,3 or 5 38 – Maintenance of Firefighters measures (risers, etc.)1,3 or 5 To refresh your memory! All these articles are on the current audit form

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Premises divided into 4 groups High scores to higher risk premises See Graphic Equaliser IRMP Note 4

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Safety Critical Articles

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Other Article/ risks

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Fire warning arrangements

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Fire Fighting Equipment

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Article 38 Maintenance of measures provided for protection of fire- fighters

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Article 14 Means of escape

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Article 8 General fire precautions

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Total ScoreInitial Enforcement Expectations 10 – 25Broadly Compliant Inform & educate 226 – 35Notification of Minor Deficiencies 336 – 45Notification of Deficiencies 446 – 55Enforcement Notice 556+Enforcement Notice ‘Fast track’ with short date deadline Initial Enforcement expectations Prohibition Now notices sit outside of this process Next Stage - Apply principles of EMM

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Initial Enforcement Expectations Fast track notice (consult by phone if necessary) with short timescale

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Strategic Factors Variations to EMM are normally subject to a line management review This is not a procedure in its own Right but captures the issues inspectors consider when exercising their professional judgement, this reflects the process by which enforcement decisions are reached HSE EMM -

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Audit

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Part D Addition of new section Product 62, RCC Compliant, agreed by CLG Site specific risk information data gathering

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service

The Chief Fire Officers’ Association The professional voice of the UK fire and rescue service Summary Revised existing Audit form – not wholesale change Audit form better reflects levels of risk in premises and address concerns from both pilot and national consultation Audit form will better inform F&RS IRMP planning Audit form to be reviewed by CFOA – date TBC Other political drivers may necessitate an earlier review