Dr. Faheem Akhtar Dr. Neemisha Jain
To look at the HbA1c profile in the short, medium and long term after starting CSII To perform sub group analysis of HbA1c profile in different age groups ( 0 to 7yrs, 7 – 12 yrs, 12 – 15 yrs. and 15 +years) To compare the HbA1C profile when indication for CSII was Lifestyle choice or medical
Retrospective single centre audit Involved both Surrey and Sussex patients Included all children on CSII as of Dec 2013 Pt. identified from diabetes database Review of diabetic nurses notes, Dictate it letters & Medical notes Data collection on proforma and excel sheet
Total no of Children with T1DM 182 Total children with T1DM on CSII = 69 (38%) (Including children in transition care, age up to 19yrs) 8 Transition clinic children Excluded - because unable to collect relevant data N= 61 Children included in audit analysis
Collected the Average HbA1c for the following period blocks 1) One year prior to starting CSII 2) After starting CSII 0 to 6 months 6 to 12 months 1 to 2 years 2 to 3 years 3 to 4 years more than 4 years
26 = Choice
29 = Medical
11 = Both
Average Hb1AC - Before commencement, within 6 months to Jan 2014
33 Male – 9 choice; 18 medical; 5 both choice and medical; 1 x unk
36 Female – 17 choice; 11 medical; 6 both choice and medical; 2 x unk
Average improvement in HbA1c from 8.9 to 8.2% in first 1 year. Significant improvement seen in the short term across all the groups Improvement in HbA1c is most marked when CSII is started for medical reasons Those Who opted for CSII as lifestyle choice had better HbA1C before the start and continued to do better
Teenagers also showed an improved HbA1C but not as marked as other groups
Sara Cuming, Audit Dept Chandan Yaliwal, Consultant Paediatrician