Harcourt Week 21 Reading the Selection, Character…Setting…Plot, Making Inferences, Following Written Directions
If you saw a man leave a restaurant and shortly after that you saw a waiter run after the man, holding, a hat, what inference might you make?
If something consisted of several things, it was made up of those things. According to Miss Franny, what did Florida consist of when it was a wild place?
A person is prideful if he or she feels very satisfied because of something he or she has done. What made Miss Franny feel prideful as a little girl?
When someone intends to do something, he or she plans to do it. How did Miss Franny react when she thought a bear intended to eat her?
if you snatched something, you grabbed it or pulled it away quickly. Why do you think the bear snatched the book?
When a person recalls something, he or she remembers it. Why does not one but Miss Franny recall the bear?
A select group is one that is special and among the best of its kind. How did Winn-Dixie become one of the select few dogs allowed in the library?
Follow Written Directions
Think of something you do each day, such as make your bed or pack a lunch. Write the directions for completing this task. After you and your partner are finished, exchange papers, and read other’s directions. Discuss with each other if the directions are complete.
Assistant Consultant Coolant Defendant Radiant Disinfectant Ignorant Absorbent Confident different Engineer Activist Cyclist Motorist Pianist Typist Comedian Electrician Librarian musician
puppeteer occupant technician relevant pertinent
Students will each have a narrative writing sheet on his/her desk. The teacher will model the strategy of using who, what, when, why, and how to create a summary. Students will then fill out the chart with a partner. The teacher will use a rubric to score the summary.