Meeting the demand for ePortfolio tools and services Gary M. Choban Nuventive Chief Technology Officer
Nuventive Mission - To provide institutions, faculty, and students with the tools and services they need to effectively examine, improve, and manage their life-long learning process. ePortfolio – iWebfolio Assessment – TracDat Implementation Services
ePortfolios – Gaining momentum “ePortfolios seem to be getting traction. It is no longer an innovation on the fringe; it seems to be moving towards mainstream. We will be seeing more of ePortfolios in the broad and rising conversation on assessment.” Campus Computing Survey
Eifel website says… “Technology has rejuvenated the concept of personal portfolios, which are now increasingly being seen as a powerful tool for personal development. The interest of a digital or electronic portfolio resides in its multiple dimensions: it is at the same time a tool for learning and a tool for assessment.”
ePortfolio uses Today Assessment / Evaluation Accreditation Employment Teaching and Learning Tool Intellectual property management Future (Closer than we may think) Admissions and Degree Planning Non-traditional Transcript
Key ePortfolio drivers Desire for student centric learning model Secure intellectual property management Transition from one learning level to another More evidence needed by employers Accreditation agencies
Key demands for vendors Portability (Transition) Single tool – multiple uses – Assessment – Self-Promotion Services
ePortfolios are transitional SecondaryHigher Ed Workforce Authenticated Data Reviewing Constituency K-12 TranscriptCollege Transcript PSAT Scores SAT Scores Reference Letters Parents Admissions Employers Faculty Advisors Counselors Teachers Professors
What does this mean? Need for standardization – IMS – ePortConsortium – Eifel - Europortfolio Need for integration – Institution centric data – Authenticated 3 rd party data
Multiple uses Demonstration of one’s competencies and abilities Professional development and career planning Knowledge management Admissions Others…
Services Sharing the knowledge and uses of portfolios beyond a single institution - “ePortfolio efforts need coordination” – Eifel Website Conduit for implementation strategies – Admissions – Competency review – Work force development – Career and education planning – Assessment and accreditation Best Practices
Summary of our learning To promote wide-spread use and portability there must be some form of standardization ePortfolios should allow flexibility and creativity within a standard structure ePortfolios should allow lifelong assets to be maintained once A portfolio owner should be able to dynamically share portfolios with multiple constituents inside and outside an institution ePortfolios must be easy to review and extract data
Thank You! Questions and Discussion Gary M. Choban