Developing and Operating Shared Housing in California Lisa Blakely Corporation for Supportive Housing January 14 th,
2 Outline for Discussion 1.Welcome 2.Shared Housing Overview: Lisa Blakely 3.Making Shared Housing Work: John Everett 4.Questions and Answers with John Everett 5.Discussion 6.Announcements
3 Overview of Shared Housing Housemate program for unrelated adults who are MHSA eligible. 2 to 4 units, all of which are targeted for MHSA target population (5 or more units on an exception basis) Each tenant must have a lease, be responsible for paying rent and have a separate, lockable bedroom. Units must be targeted to households earning 50% or less of AMI. Rents restricted to 30% - 50% AMI
4 Overview of Shared Housing Capital costs may be covered up to 100K per unit. Capital operating subsidies expected to be available for years (only available when unit houses a MHSA eligible tenant) Predevelopment loans: Limit 200K Interest rates for Permanent Loans: Fixed 3%
5 Key Resources: MHSA Housing Program Term Sheet/Program Description mSheet.pdf mSheet.pdf Mental Health Services Act Housing Program Application (August, 2007) ication.pdf Guidelines for Shared Housing Acquisition Rehabilitation Projects: delines.pdf
6 Benefits of Shared Housing Expanded Social Networks for Tenants Security in Housing Integration into the Community Possible Cost Savings Possible Reduction in Tenants’ MH Symptoms
7 Considerations During Development of Shared Housing Addressing Zoning Issues / Land Use Restrictions Understanding HUD Regulations Combining MHSA and Federal Funds Designing or Selecting the Physical Environment
8 Considerations During Operation of Shared Housing Housemate Match Travel Considerations Coordination of Supportive Services and Property Management
9 Considerations During Operation of Shared Housing Delivery of Property Management (if organization doesn’t have that expertise) Accurately planning for ongoing operation and maintenance costs Tenant Selection Process