Sport Education Conference University Sunshine Coast 3/4/ July 2014
Overview What women can bring to Boards? Case Study Two Exercises
Be Inspired “We must do more to bring women into sports leadership. We have seen what women can do on the field of play. But we definitely need their intellect, energy and creativity in the administration and management of sport as well.” Thomas Bach, President, International Olympic Committee eremony_speech_12_June.pdf
What Women bring to Boards Better decision-making: Fresh thinking and a wider debate Increased focus on problem solving More productive discussions and greater unity Increased conscientiousness Greater self-reflection Source:
What Women bring to Boards Women’s interpersonal skills improve board dynamics behaviour is more civilised greater openness to the perspectives of others Source: (Terjesen, Sealy & Singh 2009)
What Women bring to Boards Women’s interpersonal skills and more collaborative style more likely to listen patiently to others, to consider others’ points of view help the group identify mutually satisfactory outcomes on contentious issues helps boards raise tough issues and to ask tougher questions Source: (Konrad, Kramer & Erkut 2009).
What Women bring to Boards Better Integrity increase transparency by using using search firms greater attention women pay to audit and risk oversight and control Source: (Brown, Brown & Anastasapoulos 2002).
Better Board Performance with 3 or > women Source: Schwartz-Ziv, Does the Gender of Directors Matter? The Conference Board of Canada, Women on Boards: Not Just the Right Thing... But the “Bright” Thing
Case Study
Exercise Discuss a key issue in the recruitment, retention or rewarding of women on Boards In your group, come up with some solutions to this issue.
Exercise Complete a quick skills audit for your Board What emerges from this review? Based on what you know now, in what areas could more women improve your Board’s performance?
Board Skills Audit Skill Area Board Member Strengths (column for each Board member) Administration Business Development Campaigning Change management Conflict resolution Consultancy Customer Care Diversity and inclusion Event management Financial/budget control Fundraising Strategic planning and management
Leadership Governance Knowledge of the sport and recreation sector HR/Training Technology Legal Management Marketing Media/PR Member relations Networks and sector relationships
Public affairs Policy implementation Property management Research Rules of the sport Schools and High Education Sports development Systems and processes Understanding of sport structures Understanding of wider recreational activities/issues Add skills specific to your organisation Other … please write more ……
Contact Details Leanne Evans Executive Officer Australian Womensport & recreation Assoc. Tel:
Questions? Thank you.