The safe guide to staying safe on social media and your age limit for videos.
I will take you through my top 5 tips for keeping you safe throughout the internet. So without further a do, this is tip No.1
Every year a lot of people talk to strangers on social media. Some people even talk to dishonest people (by accident). Remember this one, its useful.
Don’t tell anyone: what you look like and where you live. You don’t want a stranger turning up to your door
Young kids watch stuff that isnt made for them. Make sure your Parent/carer gives you permission to watch it
If you don’t a person but they give you a friend request don’t accept it. Unless you know them
Make sure the game your playing is suitable for your age. A lot of people play over-aged games and think it is OK.
Remember to use these tips if your on the internet, starting a social media profile or starting up a new game. Remember to use these tips if your on the internet, starting a social media profile or starting up a new game.