Awareness at Wayne State University Published By: Prince Dhaliwal Buddie Dotter Trenise Jackson Amadou Kane Alex Steflja
Introduction/ Background Info Wayne State University is located within the city limits of Detroit Michigan, which has a higher than average crime rate. Every year, thousands of new young adults arrive on campus with very little experience dealing with personal safety dangers. Campus police confirm that the majority of reported incidents involve freshman students, many of which are unaware of the dangers or any prevention techniques.
Background Information The University formed its police department in This department has jurisdiction of approximately four square miles. In the past, the WSU police department would lecture incoming students about how different the campus area can be and offered specific safety awareness tips. This presentation has been eliminated for the students, and is now only presented to interested parents. As of today, new students are not formally presented personal safety information prior to attending classed.
Research Methods Interview with the Chief of Police interview with Lt. Dave Scott of the Crime Prevention Section of the Wayne State Police and the effectiveness of awareness campaigns Stakeholder survey
Survey of Students 1.Do you live on campus? 2.Do you feel safe on campus? 3.What times are you on campus? 4.Do you walk by yourself around campus frequently? 5.Do you walk around with headphones on? 6.Have you ever noticed the campus watch s? 7.If so, do you ever read them? 8.Have you ever been a victim of crime on campus? 9.If so, when and where did it occur?
Results from Survey Students surveyed who said yes to each question Did not tally All crimes occurred after 6:00 P.M.
Criteria for Solutions Ease of Implementation Efficiency of the Solution Cost Effectiveness
Possible Solutions Inform new students prior to classes of basic safety instructions Real-time campus crime radar map. Poster campaign Involvement of Student groups
Recommendation Easy to implement without having to interrupt University administration standards and current procedures at orientations and such – big business Cost efficiency – Little or no cost at all Efficiency – effectiveness of administering awareness campus wide to whole student body
Best Possible Solutions Poster campaign Cheap and affordable Post awareness tips at elevators, parking garages, libraries, buildings with classrooms Student groups Spread the word to other students around campus via social media applications Student committee to report to Chief of Police Suggested by Chief Holt himself Attend town hall meetings
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