Sustainable Development The following extracts and relevant sources have been taken from the IEEE Spectrum website and the article that has been studied in this presentation is entitled ‘Largest Solar Thermal Storage Plant to Start up’ by Peter Fairly, which was published in October 2008 Orrin Brackley to-start-up
Introduction/main points Objective: The article is intended for a selective audience within the field of sustainable energy, however it also has the potential to be understood by a wider field, possible the general public, by the manor in which it is spoken. For example the impersonal language and ‘casual’ style. The article also talks to the reader rather then trying to lecture him/her. The article intends to inform the reader of the new sustainable energy utilisation methods that are available and how they can enhance the output of the production plant whilst at the same time becoming ‘greener’ and more eco friendly and increasing the turnover of the company.
Energy Retention Process Energy is collected from the sun via the solar cells Suns energy heats up the synthetic oil which heats the water to drive the steam turbines Excess heat from the oil is then transferred into the storage containers which house the molten salt at 400°C After dark, the heat is then taken out of the molten salt and transferred into the oil once again to continue driving the turbines
Maximising energy production Utilising the maximum amount of sustainable energy via storage methods The article talks about SunEnergy utilisationEnergy retention Energy production Andasol 1 introduction Cost, energy is a lot cheaper because the plant can produce a lot more energy
Storage enables Andasol 1 to run its 50-MW turbine for 7.5 hours after dark Estimated Andasol 1 will generate MWh of renewable electricity per year The same field of solar collectors and turbine without the molten storage system would turn out just MWh, a difference of more than $36 million or 44% When the sun is strongest, Andasol 1's oversized collector field should gather almost twice as much heat as the turbine can handle Andasol 1 solar thermal power plant is situated in Andalucía, Spain To reduce energy loss, the heat exchanges are designed to be drained when not in use so that less energy is required to warm then up when the heat energy conversion/exchange process begins
Andosol 1 510, 000 meter field of solar collectors Working 7.5 hours after dark 11% less per MWh By product of energy storage system Spain's generous incentive program for renewable- energy generation means of maximizing the net energy production from each plant
By using a molten-salt storage system, the ‘dumped’ energy gathered by the trough shaped solar cells can be used to turn the turbines after dark, resulting in an added income of $36 million US or 44% annual turnover. Added energy retention Added energy production Increased profits Image from
Conclusion The article in question is intended to give a brief introduction and to demonstrate the usefulness of using storage collectors to benefit: The environment The gross turnover of the plant The local population (price) National grid Whilst at the same time taking full advantage of all the energy the sun has to offer. to-start-up