TLW: use affixes and roots (L.7.4b)
Example word: transport (verb) Formative: trans(prefix) Meaning: across; over, through Complete definition: take or carry (people or goods) from one place to another by means of a vehicle, aircraft, or ship. Sentence: The bulk of freight traffic was transported by truck. What are some other words that start with “trans”?
Example word: interstate (noun) Formative: inter (prefix) Meaning: among; between Complete definition: a major highway that connects two or more states Sentence: Interstate 10 was congested when coming home from the beach. What are some other words that start with “inter”?
Example word: exchange (verb) Formative: ex(prefix) Meaning: out of; from Complete definition: give something and receive something of the same value in return. Sentence: We exchanged addresses, so that we could stay in touch. What are some other words that start with “ex”?
Example word: nonprofit (adj) Formative: non (prefix) Meaning: not Complete definition: not making or conducted primarily to make a profit. Sentence: Charities and other nonprofit organizations help the poor and needy. What are some other words that start with “non”?
Example word: mislead (verb) Formative: mis(prefix) Meaning: wrong, bad Complete definition: cause (someone) to have a wrong idea or impression about someone or something. Sentence: The government misled the public about the road's environmental impact. What are some other words that start with “mis”?
Example word: depart (verb) Formative: de(prefix) Meaning: remove; reduce; opposite Complete definition: leave, typically in order to start a journey. Sentence : They departed for Germany. What are some other words that start with “de”?
Example word: redo (verb) Formative: re(prefix) Meaning: again, back Complete definition: do (something) again or differently. Sentence: A whole day's work has to be redone because he didn’t follow instructions. What are some other words that start with “re”?
Example word: bicycle (noun) Formative: bi() Meaning: two Complete definition: a vehicle composed of two wheels held in a frame one behind the other, propelled by pedals and steered with handlebars attached to the front wheel. Sentence: Toby rode his bicycle around the neighborhood. What are some other words that ends with “bi”?