Sudan represents many of the problems we see in Africa.
North Africa Sub-Saharan Africa
Compare China and Africa in economic growth.
Is it all about geography? The effect of the Tropics
1.40% Sahara (larger than the USA) Desert areas are expanding 2.8% - Agriculture, cities, development very difficult in TRF 3.Hot & very hot; often >100 degrees No winter-kill of germs
Desert Regions
4.Too much... Or... Too little Floods..... Droughts
5.Coastline Europe Africa Irregular – lots of harbors Smooth – no good harbors *Harbors are great places for cities to grow.
6.Rivers: Difficult for travel – rapids and waterfalls N. Am. rivers are natural highways
Nile Niger Congo Zambezi
The obsession with finding the source of the Nile River Richard Burton James Speke
Explorers are big on finding the source of a river. The Nile’s source is Lake Victoria.
Cairo, Egypt Nile delta
Swimming in the Nile
The Nile Crocodile
Nile Perch.... Up to 6 feet and 440 pounds
The Nile Hippo – Dangerous?
Travelling by barge on the Congo River
Victoria Falls – Zambezi River
7. Natural Resources: Oil, gold, diamonds, copper, etc. Problems: 1. Euros exploited them; Euros got rich, Africans stayed poor. 2. Profits wasted by corrupt African gov’t.
Nigeria's agony dwarfs the Gulf oil spill. The US and Europe ignore it The Deepwater Horizon disaster caused headlines around the world, yet the people who live in the Niger delta have had to live with environmental catastrophes for decades
A ruptured pipeline burns in a Lagos suburb after an explosion in 2008 which killed at least 100 people.
1 million deaths/year; mostly kids <5 A child dies every 30 seconds Preventable and treatable $12 billion/year needed $600 million is spent
Malaria can be prevented quite easily and inexpensively with malaria nets.
Affects humans and cattle Difficult to maintain cattle herds in these areas Caused by tsetse fly
Tsetse Fly
Tsetse fly trap
Sleepiness – Coma - Death
A success story... Merck is donating drugs for as long as needed. It is possible to overcome tropical diseases.
Chagas' Disease Chikungunya Cholera Dengue Fever Ebola Giardiasis Hepatitis Lassa Fever Leprosy Malaria Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever Meningitis Polio Ross River Virus Infection Schistosomiasis Sleeping Sickness Typhoid Fever Yellow Fever
PRESIDENT OBAMA has started an ambitious global health initiative that will deliver urgently needed medicine and preventative care to hundreds of millions of people in poor countries. Included in the plan are efforts to devote resources to “neglected tropical diseases,” afflictions like hookworm infections, river blindness and elephantiasis that many think have gone the way of smallpox, but which still make up the most common ailments among the world’s bottom billion. (NYT; 5/17/2010)
The Dark Continent Travel stories from European explorers were best sellers.