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Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences An Introduction to Problem Based Learning (PBL) Dr. Wiebe Nauta Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Maastricht university
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Problem Based Learning: background Two important developments, over the last 30 years. 1. a revolution in learning theory; 2. the world around us has changed.
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Problem Based Learning: background 1. A revolution in learning theory: the understanding that to acquire knowlede is a social activity, and that the contexts of learning are an equally important factor for transmitting knowledge as the contents of what is transferred; Learning itself requires those very activities of exploration, interpretation and creation we need in order to survive in the world that surrounds us. Ideally, people learn by their ability to solve problems; Learning requires creativity, and this means that learning should be seen as active rather than passive; Theories of education, the emphasis has shifted from defining learning in terms of absorbing information, to a concept of learning in terms of the process of learning.
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences The learning pyramide Lecture Reading Audiovisual Demonstration Discussion Group Practice by Doing Teach Other / Immediate Use Average Retention Rate 5% 10% 20% 30% 50% 75% 80% Bales (1996 EDINEB)
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Problem Based Learning: background 2.The world around us has changed: It is clear that students need both knowledge and skills to succeed in their profession and in their life: −Not only from workforce demands for high- performance employees who can plan, collaborate, and communicate; −but also from the idea that we should teach young people about civic responsibility and master their new roles as global citizens.
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Problem Based Learning: background The system of PBL was first developed in Canada, at the medical faculty of McMaster University; It was originally designed for medical students; –Also the reason why PBL was introduced in Maastricht; Good students, who had passed their exams with flying colours seemed lost when they were put to the test in clinical situations: –not only were they were scarcely able to recover the theoretical knowledge they had acquired througout the course of their studies; –but also they seemed remarkably ill-equipped to handle medical problems; –They lacked skills.
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Problem Based Learning Active learning –Problem-driven –Small Groups –Emphasis on cooperation –Self-activation and responsibility Learning to Learn –Develop and articulate learning goals Importance of the learning process Thematic approach to subjects −Study related topics at the same time
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences PBL Groups Group of approx. 12 students Different roles –Chairperson –Secretary –Regular group member –Tutor Group meets for two hours: –Report-back discussion on individual study of previous problem –Discussion of new problem –Definition of new learning goals
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences The PBL Cycle Problem Description of an event or a case (by staff) Report-Back: adds to your learning, tests your understanding Exchanging Information Tutor steers learning activities Group Discussion Brainstorm: what do we know? (activating pre-knowledge) Learning Goals: what do we need to know? Finding & studying information, integrating sources Individual study
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences The Seven Steps 1.Clarification of unfamiliar concepts 2.Problem definition 3.Brainstorm of potential explanations 4.Clustering/systematic classification 5. Formulating learning goals 6.Individual study 7.Report-back and exchanging results of individual study
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Individual Study Finding learning resources books Journals Web (only use good quality resources!) etc. In-depth study of resources basic concepts, various definitions search for primary explanations Evaluate opposing explanations search for relationships critical processing and study of information Keep track of what is and what is not well understood formulate what you do not understand
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Report-Back Session Report the information that was gathered during the individual study process Explain the relationship between the problem and the information that was found Critical discussion and evaluation of the information that was found Assess whether the problem is better understood
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Role of the Staff/Tutor The Staff ‘construct’ the problem The tutor is not passive during the group session, but neither does she take become too dominant: the learned professor up there on the podium; The most common instructor role is to question the students about their learning process by asking meta- cognitive questions: –“How do you know that?” –“What assumptions might you be making?” –“Do the others agree with that argument?” These questions are meant to stimulate students to become self-reflective about their learning processes Dilemma: hands-on or hands-off? –Depends on the groups –Tutor needs good social skills –Tutor needs to ‘give’, be vulnerable
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences Only PBL Groups? Lectures for background knowledge Skills training Projects Assignments & Tests
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences PBL for everyone? Yes, but need to take responsibility for group and learning process: −Willingness to confront ones own limiations; Working alone and together; Participating in discussions and presenting your findings; The Result: improved knowledge, learning, presentation, formulation and social skills;
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