Egypt Most of the population lives in only 3% of its land area. The land around the Nile River and its delta provide rich farmland. The Aswan High Dam creates hydroelectricity and a large reservoir for crop irrigation. The economic growth in Egypt has been helped greatly because of its access to important waterways, ie. Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Suez Canal.
The Middle East Lots of oil but little fresh water. Desalinization refineries. OPEC controls world oil prices. Many nations depend on OPEC members for oil. Most governments are absolute monarchies. The sheik or king has all power. There has been a lot of political instability in the Middle East. Israel, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon Saudi Arabia is important to millions of people around the world because of its huge oil reserves and its Islamic religious sites.
Israel Conflict with the Palestinians. Peace has been difficult to achieve. Jordan River is main fresh water source. This water is used to irrigate farmland. The Jordan flows into the Dead Sea. Overuse of the river water will decrease the water level of the Dead Sea.
Jerusalem Three major religions consider it a holy city; Christianity, Islam, Judaism. This has caused much controversy.
General Bedouins are nomadic herders in Southwest Asia. They have played a major role in diffusing the teachings and culture of Islam Sometimes the King of a Persian Gulf (SW Asia) is referred to as a Sheik. Oil money in rich Arab nations has made technological modernization possible but traditional laws and customs continue. Arab Spring- Success dependent on the internet, social media to get the message out.
General Most economies in the region are market/mixed. There are some groups that practice a traditional economy; hunting- gathering, subsistence, bartering. In most Muslim countries women have few rights. Yemen is a Persian Gulf country but is not oil-rich. It has also been in political turmoil. People living in North Africa are limited in their ability to move because of the vast Sahara Desert. Islam has a direct influence on the constitutions of most countries in the region. The Koran is the holy text of Islam